Agenda item

Area Assembly Chairs

- minutes of meeting held on 14th January, 2013


The following report was submitted:-



14TH January, 2013


Present:-  Councillor McNeely (in the Chair); Councillors Atkin, Beaumont, Dodson, Johnston, Read and Whelbourn.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Currie, Falvey, J. Hamilton, N. Hamilton, Havenhand, Pitchley, Swift and Wootton.




The minutes of the meeting held on 10th September, 2012, were noted.




Shaun Mirfield, Area Partnership Manager, gave the following reports:-


Rotherham North

?   A number of problems in the Kimberworth Park area particularly around St. John’s Green. Work was taking place with the Police and Housing Services on an action plan together with the installation of CCTV. Repair work carried out the previous week had been vandalised over the weekend. 10 individuals had been identified as the perpetrators

?    Area Housing Panel – Majority of the budget had been allocated and spend  anticipated by the end of March, 2013

?    Community First – All 3 Wards in Rotherham North would benefit from the funding and on track to spend. A link was being made between Community First and Deprived Communities with a special meeting arranged focussing on Ferham and Masbrough


Rotherham South

?   A number of key issues in Eastwood Village and work carried out with a few members of the public who had submitted a petition to the Council

?     Hotspots in Canklow and East Dene for which action plans had been drawn up and in the process of implementation

?   Area Housing Panel – Majority of the budget had been allocated and spend anticipated by the end of March, 2013

?   Community First – 2 of the 3 Wards benefitted from the funding – Rotherham East and Boston Castle – and had been aligned to Deprived Communities. Rotherham East had identified and prioritised work in Eastwood and East Dene around children’s education (in particular preschool provision) and adult education. Boston Castle was taking a similar approach


Councillor Johnston reported that Rotherham North had held their annual Awards evening just before Christmas, funded through her Community Leadership allocation. Photographs from the event was to be included on the Assembly’s web page.


Andrea Peers, Area Partnership Manager, gave the following reports:-


Wentworth Valley

-      Assembly dates had been set for the forthcoming year with the aim of holding them in a different format each meeting.  There would be a Roadshow in partnership with Maltby Town Council which would enable residents to find out what services were delivered to them and an emphasis on the Welfare Reform

-      Disadvantaged Communities –Maltby Town Council had been undertaking consultation as part of their Town Council Plan process but now needed to work with the Authority with regard to disadvantaged communities


Rother Valley South

-      Assembly dates had been set for the forthcoming year with the aim of holding them in a different format each meeting

-      Attendance was very good at Assembly meetings

-      The 7 Parishes within the Assembly area had picked up the Welfare Reform issue and were keen to support their communities however they could

-      Disadvantaged Communities – A governance structure and various groups had been established.  Looking to launch Community Alcohol Partnership in March


Rother Valley West

-      Big Local – 6 months into the 10 year Programme and still “visioning”.  The emphasis of Big Local was community engagement, buy-in and ownership so a lot of effort had been put into publicising it.  It was hoped to have a draft plan by March


Sarah Currer, Area Partnership Manager, gave the following reports:-


Wentworth North

-      An Assembly meeting was taking place later that day to discuss Welfare Reform

-      Deprived Communities – intended to hold roving Roadshows in the communities of East Herringthorpe, Dalton and Thrybergh to try and encourage attendance

-      Work with Green Spaces – successful WREN application for a play area

-      Close work with Elected Members using some of their Community Leadership funding to provide Christmas trees and Christmas lights

-      Continued work on the Fitzwilliam estate, Swinton

-      CCTV on Calladine Wath had been taken down.  It was thought it had suffered criminal damage but upon inspection it could be a technical fault

-      Community First – 1 area in Hoober Ward – funding spent for 2012/13 on a range of projects including environmental, employment advice and mentoring scheme.  Applications were now being submitted for 2013/14

-      NAG – Manor Farm had just been removed as a NAG area.  If concerns resurfaced it would become a PACT priority

-      Area Planning work commenced for 2013/14


Councillor Atkin reported that the new Police and Crime Commissioner had allocated every Borough funding for the next 3 years that could be bid into for Community Safety projects.  The Fire Authority may also have similar funding.


Wentworth South

-      Partnership meeting looked to East Herringthorpe, Dalton and Thrybergh for initiatives.  Some work was cross budget boundaries and some more specific to the particular areas but did share the same priorities - health, employment, crime, anti-social behaviour with the overarching priority of community engagement

-      Large community event at Ridgeway shops, East Herringthorpe, in December which had proved to be very popular.  A number of people interested in organising another community event

-      Detailed action plan – large range of partners and Parish Councils keen to get involved

-      NAG – Parkgate had been identified as a new priority area.  There was to be an Impact Day to develop an action plan and consider specific problems

-      Anti-Social Behaviour and crime reports were quite low for Wentworth South and North

-      Community Alcohol Partnership – Stakeholder meeting held as 1 area (East Herringthorpe, Dalton and Thrybergh).  Launch in March

-      Work with Dalton Parish Council and Groundwork Dearne Valley regarding a skate park in the area as a result of consultation carried out

-      Community First – 2 areas in Wentworth South – Valley and Silverwood.  Work was taking place to ensure spend


Discussion ensued with the following issues raised:-


-      Consideration to Area Assemblies having a single item agenda in July regarding Welfare Reform

-      Welfare Reform be raised at a meeting with Cabinet Members and local Members of Parliament and consider inviting them to their respective Assembly meeting


Resolved:-  (1)  That the updates be noted.


(2)  That reports be submitted on:-


Community Alcohol Partnership

Big Local – activity to present date.

Supporting documents: