Agenda item

Questions from Forum Members


Peter Keary:-  What market was the Renaissance aimed at – A’s or B’s? or down market?


Julie Roberts replied that an examination of the demographics of Rotherham showed a leakage of expenditure out of the Borough and work was being done to looking at ways of retaining this.  Statistics indicated that there was growth potential and opportunity to develop additional floor space.   There was evidence to indicate there was a market to sustain new development.  The overall aim was to put pride back into Rotherham to make it the best place to live, learn and work.


John Silker:- What other operators were planned to be brought into the airport, and were there any long haul operators?


Steve Adamson replied that the airport management were in regular discussion with national and international operators and the aim was to commence operations in 2006.


John Silker:-  Would the infrastructure cope with the projected passenger numbers?


Steve Adamson replied that efforts were being made to encourage the use of public transport.  Discussions had taken place with bus operators and it was proposed that a shuttle operates from Doncaster Rail station.


John Silker:-  How long would the rail link take to be put in place?


Steve Adamson replied that this was in the hands of the Strategic Rail Authority.


Matthew Beck:- What provision would be made for local attractions to advertise in the airport? and would there be special advertising rates?


Steve Adamson replied that this was controlled by Peel Advertising.  However in the short term links could be provided via the Airport Website.


Matthew Beck:-  Was it proposed that there would be a Tourist Information Centre within the airport?


Caroline Wilson replied that discussions were taking place with the airport for there to be a TIC.  The airport would like a manned provision 20 hours per day.  This had been discussed with Yorkshire Tourist Board as well.


George Trow:-  What modelling had been done to assess the effect on the local economy re:  the local hospitality industry and the under capacity in hotels?


Julie Roberts replied that the statistics showed under capacity in both Rotherham and Doncaster.


Eric Shaw:-  What was the scope/limit of expansion of the airport?


Steve Adamson replied that the runway was the third largest and that the new terminal building had been designed so that it could be expanded.  The expansion would be limited by environmental factors i.e. the number of take-offs and landings per day.  The whole development had been based on a twenty year masterplan.


Eric Shaw:-  Referred to a proposal to hold a market at Magna which was turned down because of Rotherham’s market franchise.  Was there any way of getting round this ancient law?


Julie Roberts replied that the proposal was now being looked at in partnership with Magna with a view to developing a better event in the future.  However, she explained that the proposal was in direct competition to the town centre market and the Local Authority had a statutory duty of care to these businesses.