Agenda item

Transport and Learning Disability Day Service Catering - Final Proposals


Further to Minute No. 19 of 23rd July, 2012, the Service Manager, Adult Community Services, submitted final proposals for Transport and Catering arrangements for the Learning Disability Day Care Service based on the recent consultation with customers and carers.


Transport Provision

Extensive work had been undertaken with a number of officers who were aware of customers and carers’ needs to review the change to current transport provision.


Catering Provision

At present the current in-house Day Service catering arrangements, delivered on site, were underutilised by customers and therefore not cost effective.  Recent consultation had shown that customers were accepting of the choice of taking their own packed lunch or purchasing a meal from the café.


Discussion ensued on the proposals with the following points highlighted;-


-          The consultation had been extended to accommodate requests for one to one meetings and in response to a Legal Challenge by carers

-          Questionnaires had been sent receiving a 30% return rate – the proposals were based on the questionnaire feedback

-          Non-payment of transport



Resolved:-  (1)  That the consultation summary contained in the report submitted be noted.


(2)  That the following be implemented as from April, 2013, in order to achieve the agreed savings and communication commence with customers and families:-


Transport Service


(a)           That capacity within Neighbourhoods and Adult Services in-house Transport Services be utilised and implemented as from April, 2013.


(b)           That the Autumn Service opening times be changed to allow for dual use of vehicles and that consultation take place with staff, HR and the Trade Unions.


(c)           That vehicles currently used to transport customers to the SCOPE Day Centre be maximised.


(d)          That it be noted that private hire arrangements would remain for those customers where other options were not sufficiently safe.


(e)          That 1 contracted route/journey be transferred from an external operator to inhouse transport and that consultation be carried out with customers and families and the current provider.


(f)            That the flat rate Day Centre Transport charge be increased from £1.00 to £2.50 for 2013/14, a 50p increase to £3.00 in 2014/15 and a further 50p increase to £3.50 in 2015/16.


(g)          That consultation be carried out with Older People, who had previously not been consulted, with regard to the proposed increase and the charge implemented once completed.


(h)          That additional vehicles be leased to enable customers to be transferred from private taxis to inhouse provision and that further work be undertaken to produce draft rotas for staff with a view to an implementation date of May, 2013.



(i)             That current catering arrangements at Addison House and Oaks Day Centre cease.


(j)            That it be noted that customer-led café facilities at both locations would be available to purchase hot snacks.


(3)  That, following discussion with Legal Services, a further report be submitted on measures that could be taken to ensure payment of transport fees as far as possible.


(Exempt under Paragraph 3 of the Act - information relating to the financial or business affairs of any person (including the Council))