Agenda item

Area Assembly Chairs

-       Minutes of meeting held on 4th March, 2013


The following report was submitted:-


Area Assembly Chairs

Monday, 4th March, 2013



Present:- Councillor Atkin (in the Chair); Councillors Beaumont, N. Hamilton, Whelbourn, J. Hamilton, Havenhand, Johnston, Dodson and Swift.



Apologies for absence:- Apologies were received from Councillors Goulty, McNeely and Kaye.




Minutes of the Previous Meeting



The minutes of the meeting held on 14th January, 2013, were noted.



RMBC Planning Consultation (Site selection and planning policies) Update



Helen Sleigh, Senior Planner, reported that 3 seminars had been arranged on the emerging “allocation” sites to be proposed for housing and employment development in the Rotherham Local Plan.  The seminars had been established on an Area Assembly basis as follows:-


19th March, 2013, 1.30 p.m.-3.30 p.m. Rotherham Town Hall

Rother Valley South

Rother Valley West

Wentworth Valley


20th March, 2013, 9.30 a.m.-11.30 a.m. Rotherham Town Hall

Wentworth North


22nd March, 2013, 9.30 a.m.-11.30 a.m. Rotherham Town Hall

Rotherham North

Rotherham South

Wentworth South


Consultation on the Sites and Policies Document would commence on 13th May, 2013.  A number of drop-in sessions would be held, similar to those held in 2011, but focussing on the areas proposed for significant new development.


Discussion ensued with the following points raised:-


-           The events would give Members a chance to see the selected sites – 25 new sites

-           Core Strategy Policy stated how many dwellings needed to be built in each statement then look at how many planning permissions had already been granted.  Where there were planning permissions agreed they would not be reassessed

-           Ongoing work identifying where additional sites were required

-           Consultation would commence on 13th May

-           Bassingthorpe Farm Concept Framework required detailed consultation which would be done with the landowner and possibly some of the consultants as well

-           Need to avoid the confusion caused at previous public consultation events particularly with regard to the Bassingthorpe Farm site

-           Potential implications of HS2 on the Waverley site


Resolved:-  That the report be noted.



Area Assembly Chairs/Area Partnership Manager Updates



Shaun Mirfield, Area Partnership Manager, gave the following reports:-


Rotherham North/South

-           At the February meeting, Rotherham North Area Assembly had received a presentation in relation to Connect to Support, the new website set up to support those that wanted control of their own care

Concern had been expressed by members of the public regarding the website given that any service provider could add themselves to the website without any checks being made.  The site was under the banner of the Council and, even though there was a disclaimer stating that the organisations were not vetted, it was still felt that it was open to abuse

-           Rotherham South, at its last Area Assembly meeting, had discussed the Alcohol Strategy together with issues raised regarding Rotherham Hospital


Local Communities

-           Eastwood Village continued to take up a lot of time.  A meeting with residents had raised a number of questions but the outcome was positive and there had been recognition of the work the Council and Police.  There was a realisation of the 2 unique big challenges faced in Eastwood and Ferham given the changes in population

-           A bid was being worked on for submission to the Police and Crime Commissioner Grant which would benefit potentially Eastwood and Ferham and hopefully 2 other communities elsewhere in the Borough


Area Housing Panel

-           All of the budgets for 2012/13 had been allocated.  Now in the process of planning for 2013/14


Community Chest

-           There were 5 panels – Rother Valley, Keppel and Rotherham East had now allocated all their funding.  Wingfield had approximately £6,000 but had proposals to submit.  Boston Castle had approximately £7,000 to be allocated but should have done so by its meeting on 7th March

-           Sarah Currer, Andrea Peers and Shaun had met with the Cabinet Office whose Programme it was and with Panel partners.  Positive feedback had been received for the role the Council played in ensuring the money had stayed within the Borough


Deprived Communities

-           Wherever possible, linkages had been made between Community First and Deprived Communities work.  Eastwood and East Dene had both identified children’s education and the need for more pre-school provision and adults skills as priorities.  The Rotherham East Community First Panel funding was being used to support projects which would deliver against those 2 priorities as well as using the Panel as a vehicle for other partnership work

-           A similar process in Ferham and Masbrough was being followed for the Rotherham West Panel


Andrea Peers, Area Partnership Manager, gave the following report:-


Rother Valley South

-           The Area Assembly had been very involved in the Community Alcohol Partnership and there was a great deal of momentum around the issue.  At a recent meeting the retailers had been in attendance and the Co-op had agreed to be the lead retailer for the area.  All had signed up to be part of the Partnership, training their staff to the same standards in terms of how to deal with alcohol sales and the Buddy system.  Some of the key actions that would be in the action plan were around enforcement, diversionary activities, an education package which also included a fairly comprehensive 1 for schools

-           Consultation carried out with young people through a questionnaire and a perception survey with the community which would give a baseline to track any progress.

-           Launch of the Partnership on 20th March


Rother Valley West

-           Big Local – not a great deal of progress since last meeting, however, the group were very much on their way to producing their action plan.  The residents would have the opportunity to give a presentation to a future meeting

-           1 of the wind turbines had been erected


Community Chest

-           Rother Valley had allocated Y1 and 2 spend and anticipating allocating Y3 at its next meeting.  There was a lot of interest and would be presenting a Ward plan for approval


Wentworth Valley

-           The next Area Assembly meeting would consider the Alcohol Strategy and Heart Town

-           Work was progressing on Disadvantaged Communities for the Maltby Ward. 3 action plan activities had been held recently which had been promising in terms of partnership-buy in and resulted in really good projects

-           Area Assembly and Maltby Town Council policy plan action day facilitated.  Signed up to Disadvantaged Communities agenda and looking at where joint working could take place


Co-ordinating Group

-           Discussion on Welfare Reform and its impact.  Looking at how support could be given to connect communities with Credit Unions as a potential tool to support, however, there was concern as to the capacity in Rotherham to meet the demand.  Trying to work with Laser Credit

-           A request had been made for a future discussion at Area Assembly with regard to the Co-ordinating Groups’ role in Section 106 monies and Infrastructure Levies and how they could play a part in that

-           It was felt that the Co-ordinating Group could really play a role in it given that Area Assemblies and Co-ordinating Groups were instrumental in setting the local priorities and required some synergy in how that money was spent


Sarah Currer, Area Partnership Manager, gave the following report:-


Borough-wide Issues

-           Tenants’ Spring Conference to be held on 14th March, 2013, at the New York Stadium

-           Council Gardening Competition for Council tenants to be relaunched


Wentworth North/South

-           Application to be submitted to Police and Crime Commissioner Grant for Youth Services for diversionary activities


Area Housing Panel

-           Fund was allocated and slightly oversubscribed to the end of the financial year

-           Wren funding for a play area for which the tendering process had commenced.

-           Safer Rotherham Partnership funding  for graffiti type art project on Swinton Rec changing rooms


Community First

-           Hoober – all funding allocated.  Community Plan to be agreed

-           Wentworth South – there had been a lot of the work carried out around 2 Community First areas and 3 Deprived Communities. 

-           Rawmarsh had allocated all their funding after having received numerous applications.  Work commenced on 2013/14.  Community Plan completed and submitted

-           Valley and Silverwood – lack of community groups to get the money spent in the areas.  It was hoped to carry some of the funding forward or into another project.  Both Community Plans had been agreed


Deprived Communities

-           Currently East Herringthorpe, Dalton and Thrybergh were considered together but eventually they would be separated off due to the size of the meetings becoming quite large

-           Really good projects under Employment and Health priority areas.  An Employment Surgery was to be set up, held once a week, linking in with the Citizens Advice Bureau, where members of the public could go for advice.  A financial awareness event was also to be held based around “the price is right” quiz

-           Consideration being given as to how that could be delivered into communities and would be using the Youth Service bus to take it out onto the streets.  If successful, would look as to how something similar could be funded in the future


Community Alcohol Partnership

-           Had meeting with licencees and stakeholders.  Will be launched on 21st March

-           Also piloting a practitioners network event where statutory bodies would make presentations, inviting voluntary and community sector to come along and share information and network with the idea of reversing the process in the future.  The first event was to be held on 16th May linked to Employment and Health and with Every Contact Counts

-           Through Families and Communities there were actions around Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour

-           Letters were being sent to the 200 residents that had completed a consultation form at the Christmas event informing them of a planting project with the school on 13th March.  There was also to be an Easter Egg hunt on 2nd April and a community surgery pilot


Community Workers

-           Together with Rotherfed and Groundwork, an application was being completed for salaried workers who would be based in the locality, working with the community


Neighbourhood Action Group

-           Looking at Parkgate.  Series of walkabouts held and possibility of some funding for diversionary activity.  A further meeting had been arranged for 22nd April




Any other business



Budget 2013/14/Community Leadership Fund

The Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services reported that the budgetary positions for both of the above were unchanged from the previous financial year.



Date and Time of Next Meeting -



Resolved:-  That a further meeting be held on Monday, 17th June, 2013, commencing at 2.00 p.m.



Supporting documents: