Agenda item

Neighbourhoods General Fund Revenue Budget Monitoring


Consideration was given to a report presented by the Finance Manager, Neighbourhood and Adult Services, in relation to the budget monitoring during the 2012-13 financial year of the Neighbourhood General Fund.  The report detailed the projected end of year outturn position to the end of March, 2013 based on actual income and expenditure for the period ending February 2013. 


The latest forecast showed an underspend of £156,000 against an approved net revenue budget of £2.424M.  The main variations against budget were:-


Environmental Health (-£19k)

-        Significant pressure at the start of the year due to the Vacancy Factor.  Identified savings within salaries from the merger of a number of teams into one joint Community Protection Team had now met the vacancy factor in full.  Further planned savings and efficiencies had been identified in Transport and Premises together with restricted spend on Supplies and Services as a result of the moratorium on all non-essential spend was resulting in a projected underspend of £19,000


Public Health (-£54k)

-        The restructure had now been actioned and a projected underspend within Trading Standards in part due to delayed recruitment

-        Minor shortfall projected on Health and Safety due to procurement budget re-alignment and increased printing costs

-        Saving identified on Food and Drugs had been identified due to vacancies held partially reduced by a small projected overspend on Bereavement Services as a result of one-off repair costs to meet Health and Safety standards and on Animal Health due to unmet Vacancy Factor

-        Licensing was anticipating a shortfall unless further late income was received to offset shortfalls on Transport and Supplies and Services areas


Housing and Communities (-£48k)

-        Pressure in Community Safety Unit as a result of slippage in implementing the new structure agreed as part of budget setting savings

-        Projected underspend due to a vacant post within the Anti-Social Behaviour Team and savings within Supplies and Services due to the downsizing of the Team

-        Area Assemblies Teams and Management and Administration had a combined projected underspend as a result of vacancies and one-off external funding

-        Projected underspend in the Community Leadership Fund, although this had been approved for carry forward in previous years


Strategic Housing and Investment Service (-£32k)

-        Overall pressure as a result of a small shortfall on the staffing budget including a vacancy factor.  Further sources of funding identified to offset the pressure

-        Anticipated underspend in respect of income from interest on the Equity Loan Scheme

-        Forecast underspend on the Lighting of Staircases budget based on costs to date projected to year end

-        Small overspend on Registered Social Landlords cost centre as a result of the reduction in number of Landlords in the Scheme


Housing Options (+£1k)

-        A small overspend projected on Key choices Property Management mainly due to the recent procurement savings budget realignment


Central (-£4k)

-        Previously received an income contribution from the Asylum Team as recognition of location costs.  The Asylum Grant had now ended and the work outsourced resulting in an income shortfall

-        Additional vacancy factor pressure, however, sufficient balance had now been identified in the Asylum Reserve to contribute towards the shortfall

-        Savings identified on pension and insurance costs as well as within supplies and services.  With the realignment of procurement savings, there was now an overall projected underspend of £4,000 forecast


To date there had been no spend on either Agency or Consultancy within Neighbourhoods General Fund budgets.  The only non-contractual overtime for Neighbourhoods related to grant funded overtime for the Food, Health and Safety Teams.


Discussion ensued on the reasons for the anticipated shortfall in the Licensing budget and the projected underspends in the Community Leadership Fund budget.


Resolved:- That the report be received and the latest financial projection against budget for 2012/13 be noted

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