Agenda item

Families Information Service (FIS) / Early Education for two-year olds / launch of new FIS website.


·         Childcare Sustainability Manager, and Families’ Information Services Officer, Early Years and Childcare Strategy, School Effectiveness Service, Schools and Lifelong Learning, Children and Young People’s Services, to report. 


Councillor G. A. Russell welcomed the Childcare Sustainability Officer (Early Years and Childcare, School Effectiveness Service, Schools and Lifelong Learning, Children and Young People’s Services).  The Childcare Sustainability Officer had been invited to the meeting to provide the Select Commission with an update on the entitlement for early education for the most deprived two-year old children and the launch of a new website that provided information from the Families Information Service. 


On 1st September, 2013, it was noted that the early education offer would become a statutory entitlement for eligible two-year old children.  There would be approximately 900 children who would be eligible.  There were documented benefits for children accessing early education, and particularly for those who lived in disadvantaged areas. 


In preparation for the commencement of the statutory entitlement the Early Years and Childcare Service were: -


·         The early education entitlement would be extended from September, 2014, to approximately 40% of two-year old children.  This would equate to approximately 1,700 children;

·         Eligibility criteria for September, 2013, related to the benefits used to calculate access to Free School Meals and two year olds who were Looked After Children;

·         Department for Education proposals for children eligible from September, 2014, included households that were in receipt of Working Tax Credits and with an annual income of less than £16, 190; children with a statement of special educational needs; households that attracted Disability Living Allowance; or children who had left care through an Adoption Order, Residence Order and Special Guardianship;

·         Awareness raising of the new statutory entitlement was being undertaken by the Early Years and Childcare Service and all partners, including Children’s Centres, Health Visitors, Social Workers and childcare providers;

·         The Family Information Service was able to undertake an eligibility test for families and provide details of local providers who were offering free early education places;

·         Childcare sufficiency analysis had been undertaken by the Early Years Service to determine whether there were sufficient places available to meet the statutory entitlement in September 2013 and 2014.  This analysis had uncovered some lack of capacity, but funding had been allocated to provide additional places. 


The submitted report also outlined the duties place on the Local Authority by the Childcare Act. 2006, to maintain a service that provided information, advice and assistance to parents and prospective parents on childcare, early education, activities, services and facilities available for 0 – 19 year olds and their family members.  It was noted that Rotherham’s Family Information Service (FIS) met this duty through the provision of a freephone telephone helpline, email and website.  Consultation with service users and stakeholders had highlighted issues with the website, and a revised website had been launched with improved search criteria and a user-friendly interface. 


A demonstration of the website ( was provided and included a demonstration of the website’s search capacity. 


·         1,500 local services and activities were represented on the website;

·         Regular data refreshes were undertaken on the website and records were removed if there had been no contact with the providers to ensure that all information was up to date;

·         The website offered the location, maps, details and opening hours of the services provided;

·         There were details of activities and providers for all needs and thresholds, from universal activities to acute. 


The literature that had been produced by the FIS to advertise the Service was shared with the Improving Lives Select Commission.


Members of the Improving Lives Select Commission provided the following thoughts on the information that they had been provided with: -


·         Positive feedback was provided in relation to the website demonstration;

·         The presentation would be useful for local MPs and their staff to be aware of.


Resolved: - (1)  That the report and the information shared be noted. 


(2)  That members of the Improving Lives Select Commission use and promote the site to residents and highlight any services/providers that are not represented.


(3)  That the information be shared with local MPs and their offices.   

Supporting documents: