Agenda item

Garage Management Review

- Update by Dave Abbott, Housing Manager


The Housing Manager presented a progress report on the garage management review.


The 2003/04 review had resulted in the identification of an 11 point service improvement plan.  The major issue was the poor condition of many garage sites, mainly as a result of a lack of investment.  It had been agreed that an annual budget would be established for planned maintenance, improvements and demolitions based on garage income.  The figure agreed was £291,612 for 2004/05 with an additional £112,914 available for responsive repairs on garages.  Any underspend on the responsive budget would be switched to the planned maintenance and improvements to ensure that the whole budget was spent on garage issues.


In June, 2004, a Technical Officer had been allocated to work exclusively on garage site management issues and to carry out 3 main tasks:-


§                     Carry out a stock condition survey of all garage sites

            Appendix 1 identified the garage sites presently appropriate for disposal, demolition or alternative use.


§                     Draw up a 7 year planned maintenance scheme

            Appendix 2 included all the sites where there was no present intention to dispose of the land or use it for another purpose.  A small number of the plot sites were in a good enough condition to justify continued investment.  A definitive list of those sites was being prepared.


§                     Implement a planned maintenance, improvement and demolition programme for 2004/05.

            Appendix 3 included improvements/demolitions and identified the type of work and cost.  So far work to the value of £216,053 had been ordered and it was likely that the remaining budget (£75,559) would be spent replacing the tarmac surface of sites in the Kimberworth Park area.


Of the 11 identified targets, 10 had been met.  The 1 that had not been achieved was the computerised garage waiting list which had been put on hold pending the introduction of the OHMS estate management module.  This had been identified as a function suitable for transfer to RBT.


Discussion ensued on the report with the following issues raised/clarified:-


§                     Inspection of garage sites took place on a monthly basis but did not include an inspection of the interior.  If a garage was not being used to house a car or being let to someone else, it was a breach of the Tenancy Agreement and action would be taken.  A manual inspection record was kept at present but it would become part of the IT Management Module.


§                     Before the disposal of any garage site took place, Ward Members would be consulted.


§                     Appendix 1 would be updated on an annual basis.


Resolved:-  That the progress made with the management and maintenance/improvement of garage sites across the Borough be noted.

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