Agenda item

Minutes of a meeting of the Health, Welfare and Safety Panel, held on 26th April, 2013


The following report was submitted:-


Health, Welfare and Safety Panel

Friday, 26th April, 2013


Present:- Councillor R. S. Russell (in the Chair); Councillors G. A. Russell, P. A. Russell and Wootton and Mrs. J. Adams (NUT), Mrs. S. Brook (NASUWT) and Mr. P. Harris (GMB)



Apologies for absence received from Councillors Dodson and Whelbourn.



Minutes of the previous meeting held on 11th January, 2013



Resolved:- That the minutes of the previous meeting of the Health, Welfare and Safety Panel, held on 11th January, 2013, be approved as a correct record for signature by the Chairman.



Statistics of Accidents, Injuries and Incidents of Violence to Employees



Consideration was given to the graphical data showing the statistics of accidents, injuries and incidents of violence to employees and which showed:-


·                RMBC Employee Only RIDDOR Reportable Accidents for the Council 2010, 2011 and 2012.

·                RMBC Employee Only RIDDOR Reportable Accidents by Directorate 2010,2011 and 2012.

·                RMBC Employee Only Accidents 2010, 2011 and 2012.

·                RMBC Employee Only Accident Frequency Rate by Month 2012.

·                RMBC Accidents by Type – January – December, 2012.

·                RMBC Employee Only Accidents by Gender – January – December, 2012.


It was noted that the spikes in relation to Accidents by Type relating to violence and aggression were more prevalent in Children and Young People’s Services and the trend for slips and falls was more evident during the winter months.


Agreed:-  That the information be noted.



Health and Safety Bulletin



Consideration was given to the Health and Safety Bulletin, which was circulated at the meeting, which contained recent articles and reports of legal cases relating to health and safety.


Reference was made to an accident in Leeds where a flag pole had collapsed and struck a child causing serious injury. This had been previously raised as a risk by officers over a two year period, but nothing had been done. This highlighted the need to ensure clear lines of communication, especially when relating to health and safety issues.


Questions were asked about injuries to toddlers and whether there was an update to the recent case in York where a toddler had died by strangulation going down a slide.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the bulletin be received and the contents noted.


(2)  That an update be sought on the case involving the York toddler.



Health, Welfare and Safety Panel - Overview of Initiatives and Procedures



Consideration was given to a verbal update by Neil Perry, Principal Health and Safety Officer, which provided an update to:-


(a)       Health and Safety Management Group


It was noted that following request from the Senior Emergency and Safety Management Team that a Health and Safety Management Group had recently been established and had met for the first time on the 16th April, 2013. The group was made up by Operational Directors from each of the directorates with the overall aim to ensure that health and safety requirements were properly embedded within their respective areas.


(b)       Recycling


          Training that has recently been undertaken in Greenspaces/Community Delivery around manual handling highlighted that some workers were put at increased risk of injury due to improper location/positioning of dog waste/litter bins across the Borough. As a result it had been agreed that the ones that posed the greatest risk should be removed or repositioned to mitigate risk over a rolling programme.


(c)       Neighbourhoods and Adults Services – External Work Programme


Mark Burkett, Health and Safety Officer, was working closely with Neighbourhoods and Adults Services as part of the major refurbishment works taking place, with both announced and unannounced inspections to ensure working practices were being followed correctly and safely.



Reports on Visits of Inspection held on 15th March, 2013



Consideration was given to matters arising from the visits of inspection made by the Panel on Friday, 15th March, 2013.


The report included the responses provided by Service Areas to the various issues raised at the inspections.  Particular reference was made to:-


Party A


(a)       Swinton Brookfield


It was confirmed that the school had not received prior notice of the visit and the Panel apologised for this oversight.


The Panel were pleased with the progress at this school and were happy with the responses.


(b)       Swinton Community School


The Panel were pleased to see the efforts being made at this school which would remain ongoing.


(c)       Rawmarsh Customer Service Centre


The Panel noted the increased use of the platform lift by members of the public and reports that the instability reported by users.  This was to be followed up and the lift inspected by officers from the Health and Safety Team.


(d)       Thorpe Hesley Infant School


The Panel asked that clarification be sought on the responsibility to make safe and grit the public right of way to the school.


(e)       Thorpe Hesley Junior School


The Panel asked that heavy items stored above head height be removed and stored on lower shelves.


Party B


(a)       Aston Lodge Primary School


The Panel expressed some concern at the amount of clutter at this school and the condition of the rubber matting to the main entrance.


It was suggested that the school be paid an unannounced visit to monitor progression of outstanding items.


(b)       Aston Fence Junior and Infant School


The Panel noted the deterioration in the floor area to the new extension and asked that this be kept under observation and retreated in due course.


(c)       St. Alban’s C. of E. School


The Panel were concerned that some matters that had been highlighted would not be considered until the monthly meeting with the Building Manager.


(d)       Flanderwell Primary School


The Panel were concerned about disabled toilets being used for storage and


The Panel expressed some concern at the responses from some of the Building Managers and suggested that invitations be extended to them to attend the meetings of the Health, Welfare and Safety Panel.


The Chairman also asked that a meeting be arranged for him to look at issues arising from the visits with the Facilities Manager and his team.


Reference was also made to the future transport arrangements for the visits of inspection, attendance by Trades Unions and Elected Members and the need to ensure that nominated representatives give a commitment to attend when necessary.



Date of Next Meetings



Agreed:-  (1)  That the next Health and Safety Visits of Inspection take place on Friday, 21st June, 2013 with only one bus being allocated.


(2)  That the next meeting of the Health, Welfare and Safety Panel take place on Friday, 12th July, 2013 at 2.00 p.m. in the Town Hall.


Supporting documents: