Agenda item

Area Assembly Chairs

-        minutes of meeting held on 17th June, 2013


The following report was submitted:-



Area Assembly Chairs

Monday, 17th June, 2013


Present:- Councillor McNeely (in the Chair); Councillors Atkin, Beaumont, Currie, Dodson, Falvey, J. Hamilton, N. Hamilton, Havenhand, Johnston, Read, Sims, Wallis and Whelbourn.


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Swift.


1.                              MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING


The minutes of the meeting held on 4th March, 2013, were noted.




Sarah Currer and Shaun Mirfield, Area Partnership Managers, gave the following reports:-


Rother Valley South

-      Dinnington Central had seen a real improvement with regard to crime and anti-social behaviour - crime had reduced by almost a quarter since 2011 and anti-social behaviour by 35%

-      Partnership surgeries had been held on the second Tuesday every month in the Dinnington Resource Centre involving Elected Members, Area Assembly, Police etc. 

-      Partnership activity days had been undertaken by a whole range of partners a number of which had centred around deprived communities with different locations being focussed on each time

-      Alcohol and drug dependence drop-in sessions organised for those who needed support and did not feel confident in booking appointments

-      Cooking on a Budget course started in Maltby by Ministry of Food

-      Lot of work focussed on disadvantaged communities of which Dinnington Central was 1.  There were 4 theme groups – Environment, Economic Skills and Employment Development, Health and Wellbeing, Young People and Where we Live and Keeping Safe


Wentworth South

-      Community First Panel in the Valley Ward had not met as yet to allocate their Y3 funding but had had their Community Plan approved

-      Silverwood Community First Panel had met and agreed their funding for the rest of the year with some really good projects coming through supporting disadvantaged communities

-      3 Disadvantaged Communities in Wentworth South – East Herringthorpe, East Rawmarsh and Thrybergh

-      East Herringthorpe had 4 priorities:-

·      Employment, Employability, Education and Skills

Employment surgeries, hopefully work clubs, work with Citizens Advice Bureau

·      Health

Community Alcohol Partnership, healthy lifestyles and healthy eating courses

·      Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour

Diversionary activities, work with Youth Service, environment projects, work with Police

·      Overarching priority of Community Engagement

Application for 2 Community Organisers with Groundwork Dearne Valley to develop and set up voluntary projects

-      Neighbourhood Action Group – baseline impact survey carried out in Parkgate from which an action plan would be developed


Wentworth North

-      Swinton planting project in conjunction with the school

-      Working with Wentworth Parish with regard to traffic issues

-      Action Plan almost completed

-      Hoober Ward had approved their Community Plan.  They would be meeting in August to plan how to spend their Community First funding


Wentworth Valley

-           Maltby Ward Plan had been approved and funding secured for 2013/14.  A meeting was to be held later in the month to allocate the funding for which a number of applications had already been submitted

-           Neighbourhood Action Group – work was taking place on an action plan for Flanderwell as well as the Disadvantaged Community area

-           Maltby Disadvantaged Neighbourhood – meetings had taken place and the intention was, whilst there were wide ranging plans there needed to be core priorities established on which the focus would be for the next 6-12 months

-           Private Landlords Forum meeting held in Maltby where Welfare Reform had been discussed.  Possibly going to work with Dinnington


Rotherham North

-           The Chief Constable was to attend the forthcoming PACT meeting

-           Neighbourhood Action Group and Deprived Communities – Doing a lot of work particularly in Eastwood and Ferham.

-           Councillor Dodson had accompanied the local Members of Parliament, Police and Crime Commissioner and the Chief Constable around Eastwood on recent visits

-           Elected Member and other partners arranging a number of diversionary and environmental activities in Ferham for the next 3-4 months

-           Meeting with Police and Housing Manager regarding recent spate of criminal activity in Rotherham North

-           Community First – all 5 of the Central Panels had met in May and commenced allocation of their Years 3 and 4 funding.  Meeting in September to allocate the remainder and receive monitoring reports

-           Deprived Neighbourhoods – work was continuing in Eastwood and Ferham as well as collaborative work with colleagues in East Dene, Town Centre, Broom and Canklow.  Also supporting work in Maltby


Discussion ensued with the following issues raised by Area Assembly Chairs:-


·            The need for the Local Lettings Policy to be used sensitively when dealing with vulnerable tenants in light of problems being experienced at St. John’s Green

·            Welfare Reform/Universal Credit appeared to be a recurring issue in all Area Assemblies.  There were families who were in poverty but did not live in the “Deprived Communities” and were being missed.  Now the benefit changes had been implemented publicity should be reissued alerting families where they could access help


Resolved:-  (1)  That the reports be noted.


(2)  That the Area Assembly Chairs appreciation for Sarah and Shaun’s work be placed on record.


(3)  That the Area Assembly Chairs best wishes be conveyed to Andrea Pears for a speedy recovery.


3.                              CO-ORDINATING GROUPS


Discussion ensued on the role and future of the Co-ordinating Groups.


The majority of the Groups had poor attendance with partner organisations not being in a position to send representatives any more.  It was felt that since the Groups had no funding they served no purpose.


It was suggested that a report be submitted to the Cabinet Member for Safe and Attractive Neighbourhoods for consideration.


4.                              DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING


Resolved:-  That a further meeting be held on Monday, 16th September, 2013, commencing at 2.00 p.m.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the minutes be noted.


(2)  That a report be submitted on Co-ordinating Groups (Minute No. 3 refers).

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