Agenda item

Garage Management Review Update

- to note the progress made with the management and maintenance/improvement of garage sites across the Borough


The Head of Housing Services submitted a progress report on the review of garage site management.


The poor condition of many of the garage sites as a result of a lack of investment had been identified as a major issue in the review carried out in 2003.  It had been agreed that an annual budget would be established for planned maintenance, improvements and demolitions based on garage income.


In June, 2004, a technical officer had been allocated to work exclusively on garage site management issues to carry out a stock condition survey of all garage sites (Appendix 1), draw up a 7 year planned maintenance scheme (Appendix 2) and implement a planned maintenance, improvement and demolition programme for 2004/05 (Appendix 3).


Work on the 11 targets identified in the improvement plan was as follows:-


-           A new Council garage waiting list form had been introduced


-           A new Council garage tenancy agreement had been introduced


-           A new garage allocation policy had been introduced that gives priority to Council tenants


-           The area teams now had the option of introducing local lettings policies


-           A monthly inspection regime for garage sites had been introduced


-           Garage site plots would only be let on sites that were in a good condition, in high demand, deemed sustainable and not required for another use


-           The area based garage site management strategies were being continually developed and implemented.  However, many objectives were achieved through the improvement programme


-           The introduction of a computerised garage waiting list had been put on hold pending the introduction of the OHMS estate management module.  It was a function identified as suitable for transfer to RBT


-           A 7 year garage site planned maintenance programme had been identified


-           A list of sites suitable for disposal had been identified


-           A budget to cover the cost of demolishing garages had been identified.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the progress made with the management and maintenance/improvement of garage sites across the Borough be noted.


(2)  That the schedule of garage sites appropriate for disposal, demolition of alternative use (Appendix 1) be noted with any sites being submitted on an individual basis for approval.

Supporting documents: