Consideration was given to the report, presented by the Performance and Quality Manager, which provided an analysis of the Council’s current performance against the 29 key delivery outcomes contained within the Corporate Plan. The submitted report contained an outturn (for 2012/13) and current position statement based on available performance measures for all outcomes together with an analysis of progress on key projects and activities which contributed to delivery of the plan.
The report also aimed to highlight the various economic and political influences including changes in national policy and funding which were already, or could potentially impact, on the performance of the corporate plan outcomes.
As a result of service reductions, the Council’s ability to deliver all the corporate plan objectives was a high risk. The potential for under performance as a result of budget reductions highlighted the importance of integrating performance, risk and financial reporting.
The current position was:-
· Red - 2 outcomes requiring major intervention at Strategic Leadership Team level.
· Amber - 8 outcomes requiring intervention at Directorate level.
· Green - 19 outcomes requiring no intervention at this time.
· 0 outcomes which cannot be assessed at this time.
The direction of travel between March, 2012 and April, 2013 had been positive, with a decrease in the number of Red and Amber rated outcomes demonstrating that effective performance management processes and procedures were in place across the Authority.
A recent Investors in People external review had resulted in the Authority retaining the ‘Gold’ standard, reinforcing performance to customers as being of utmost importance.
The review of the Council’s Corporate Priorities has begun and a revised version of the Corporate plan-on-a-page had been developed and was included as part of this report. The revised plan was now subject to a period of consultation and had already been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board. As part of the consultation process, the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board asked the Self-Regulation Select Commission to examine the way in which the new priorities and commitments would be delivered through the Council's service plans and key strategies (i.e. the "golden thread"). There would be a separate meeting arranged to facilitate this process.
During discussion, Members raised the following issues:-
: Members questioned specific indicators where service performance could be improved; it was agreed that the appropriate departmental officers ought to attend future meetings and explain the reasons for current performance.
: reference was made to the various measures which under-pin each indicator and the work being undertaken to try and secure improvement in performance;
: the impact of budget reductions upon service performance (eg: highway maintenance and street cleansing);
: Members suggested ways in which the reporting of information could be improved, emphasising the direction established by Council policy;
: the impact of external influences (eg: national Government policy);
: the ‘poverty gap’ and the Council’s work within deprived communities.
Resolved:- (1) That the report be received and its contents noted.
(2) That the current position against each of the Corporate Plan outcomes, ensuring implementation of the proposed interventions and corrective actions be endorsed.
(3) That performance issues be kept under close review to prevent green/amber outcomes becoming rated red.
(4) That, further to (3) above, the appropriate departmental officers responsible for specific indicators whose RAG rating changes shall attend future meetings of this Select Commission in order to explain the reasons for such changes.
(5) That the Corporate Plan outcomes currently being reviewed and undergoing a consultation process be noted and the results of this process shall be used to influence future performance reporting.
(6) That the Self-Regulation Select Commission be consulted on the developing outcomes and their performance management.
(7) That a group comprising the Chairman of the Self Regulation Select Commission and Councillors Atkin, Ellis, Godfrey and Watson be established to (i) work with officers from Performance and Quality and examine the Performance Management Framework for the newly-refreshed Corporate Plan, (ii) make recommendations for its further improvement and (iii) submit a report on the outcome of this process to a future meeting of the Self Regulation Select Commission.
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