Agenda item

Update from the Monitoring Officer


Consideration was given to the updated presented by Jacqueline Collins, Monitoring Officer, which provided details on:-


1.         The informal resolution of the complaints relating to Anston Parish Councillors continued.  The Independent Person, Phil Beavers, had attended a meeting of the public in Anston to gauge their views.  This would be followed by the Independent Person and the Monitoring Officer attending meeting of the Parish Council in October.  The Independent Person would share his findings with the Parish Council and make recommendations regarding future actions, such as training, to bring  the matter to a close.


Phil Beavers, Independent Person, summarised his involvement to date and his position with regards to bringing the matters referred to above to an amicable resolution.  Members of the public had signed up to the Nolan Principles and it was hoped that the same approach would be adopted by the Parish Council.  An update on progress would be provided in due course.


2.         Two related complaints that a Borough Councillor had posted offensive remarks on Twitter.  It was concluded that the Elected Member was tweeting in his private capacity and, therefore, the Code of Conduct was not engaged.  David Roper-Newman, Independent Person, was consulted and reached the same conclusion.


3.         A complaint that a Borough Councillor made incorrect allegations regarding a member of the public, on the Elected Member’s personal Twitter account.  It was concluded that the posting of the information by the Councillor was done in his private capacity and, therefore, the Code of Conduct was not engaged.  David Roper-Newman, Independent Person was consulted and formed the same view.


4.         Four queries with regard to the Register of interest of Elected Members.  Following consultation with the relevant Members the forms were updated and the issue resolved.  There was no evidence of a deliberate attempt by the Elected Members concerned to deceive or withhold information.


5.         A complaint regarding the content of a comment made by a Borough Councillor on the Rotherham Politics website.  It was concluded that the comment had been made in the Councillor’s private and not public capacity.  Therefore, the Code of Conduct was not engaged.  David Roper-Newman, Independent Person, was consulted upon the complaint and formed the same view.


6.         Further to Minute No. B3 of the meeting held on 13th June, 2013, the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 had introduced changes to the safeguards offered to employees who made disclosures under the Confidential Reporting Code.  The Code must now cover protected disclosures made in the public interest; the requirement that such disclosures must be made in good faith be removed; the position that employee’s complaints regarding their own contract of employment should be raised as a grievance was clarified and the Code must ensure that other employees did not mistreat whistle blowers.  The Council’s Code had, therefore, been amended accordingly.


The Committee considered the detail made as part of the update and the actions taken, but sought clarification from the Monitoring Officer on the discharge of functions relating to the register of interests, use of social media in a personal/professional capacity and the need for training/advice in the completion of the Register of Interests form.


Resolved:-  That the report be received and the steps that have been taken with regard to referrals under the Code of Conduct be noted.

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