Agenda item



Janet Spurling, Scrutiny Adviser, reported on the following:-


1.      Previous Scrutiny Reviews

          The response from Cabinet had been received for the Continuing Health Care and Residential Care Homes scrutiny reviews and would be going to the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board next week.  All recommendations have been accepted and monitoring reports would be presented to the commission in due course.


2.      CQC Hospital Inspections


New style inspections of NHS acute hospitals were commencing. The inspection teams would spend longer inspecting hospitals and cover every site that delivered acute services and eight key services areas:-


·                Accident and Emergency.

·                Maternity.

·                Paediatrics.

·                Acute Medical.

·                Surgical Pathways.

·                Care for the Frail Elderly.

·                End of Life Care.

·                Outpatients


Engagement with the public and Health Scrutiny would feature strongly.  The initial list covered eighteen Trusts including some that were high risk, some low risk and some that were in between those two extremes. Rotherham was not one of the eighteen and Airedale was to be the first one in the North.


3.      Local Health Website


Public Health England had launched a new online tool to help Councillors, Local Authority officers and other partners. The website included health information presented clearly for users. The information was available at upper and lower tier Local Authority level, as well as by Ward, using interactive maps, summary charts and more detailed reports.  The website could be found at the following link, but an executive summary was to be provided for all Members of the Select Commission:-;l=en


4.      JHOSC Meeting - 13 September, 2013


A new review was being established at this meeting to consider the whole lifetime pathway of care for          people with congenital heart disease.  Councillor Steele would be in attendance.


5.      The Health Scrutiny and Care Quality Commission Event for Health Scrutiny Members in York which was due to take place on Thursday, 26th September, 2013 had been postponed and a new date was to be confirmed. 


6.      L.G.Y. & H. Events


          A report had been circulated outlining forthcoming events, detailing co-ordinated activity to make best use of resources.


7.      Briefings – Sign Up


          The following briefings were available to sign up for:-


·                LGiU Monthly Health and Social Care Round Up.


·                Minding the Gap - the Local Government Regional capacity building project for health inequalities for Yorkshire and Humber.


8.      From Yorkshire and Humber Health Scrutiny Officer’s Network


          CCG allocations


          NHS England was currently reviewing the local allocation of resources across the full range of its responsibilities, covering both allocations to CCGs and the budgets available for direct commissioning functions in area teams. ‘Indicative’ future funding allocations for CCGs, suggest a reduction for the North of England overall by 3.84% (approx. £722 million) and all CCGs across Yorkshire and the Humber were likely to see a reduced allocation of funding to varying degrees.


9.      The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Health Select Commission held a positive meeting with the Chair and the Manager of Healthwatch to look at ways for joined up working.


10.    A report was also being prepared to look at protocols for the work of and links between the Health Select Commission, Healthwatch and the Health and Wellbeing Board and was due for submission to this Select Commission shortly.