Consideration was given to the report presented by the Strategic Lead, Educated Other Than At School (School Effectiveness Services, Schools and Lifelong Learning, Children and Young People’s Services Directorate).
The report outlined the existing provision and the imperatives on the Local Authority and its partners to re-shape provision to better meet the needs of the children on the periphery and outside of mainstream education. The Charlie Taylor report on improving alternative provision and the School Funding Reforms (2013-14) were taken into account in the proposals.
The Cabinet had agreed on 16th October, 2013, that the proposed structure of streamlining the Local Authority’s existing five registered Pupil Referral Units to two should be supported (Minute No. C93, Proposed Restructure of RMBC Pupil Referral Units).
The submitted report outlined the proposed structure for Alternative Provision across the Borough. The report outlined the proposed re-structured Pupil Referral Units: -
· GCSE courses would be available at both Units, along with appropriate vocational courses;
· Links to Further Education providers would be in place to help with planning for young peoples’ future pathways;
· Fully qualified teachers would work in both of the proposed Units;
· The Management Committees of the Pupil Referral Units would ensure appropriate representation from all partners and ‘host’ school headteachers, with the aim of increasing accountability;
· Strong partnerships would be in place between the Local Authority, Schools, Barnardo’s and CAMHS and so on;
· Primary provision was still under review;
· Premises strategy;
· From 1st April, 2013, the Department for Education’s School Funding Regulations stated that Pupil Referral Units should have a Delegated Budget allocated from the Dedicated Schools’ Grant;
· It was proposed that a commissioning structure would exist whereby school’s would be able to commission places within the Pupil Referral Units, with appropriate funding being accessed from the High Needs Block and Pupil Premium funding as necessary, on a pro-rata’d basis between the home school and pupil referral unit if appropriate;
· A review of the existing placements would also be undertaken to ensure that they were appropriate and meeting the needs of the individual.
Discussion ensued and the following points were raised and clarified: -
· The length of time that children were accessing alternative provision;
· The premises strategy;
· Working with qualified teachers and setting up a protocol between Schools and Units to agree transition back to mainstream schools;
· What were the risks of schools not buying-back? This could lead to reduced income, as could an increase in the numbers of permanent exclusions from Schools. Protocols for working with academy schools and their governing bodies. PRUs had never been intended to work as permanent units for young people. The Local Authority was inspected on safeguarding, Children Missing Education and part-time timetables of its most vulnerable pupils;
· Mitigation of risks and uncertainties;
· Consultation with all Councillors and the impact on Councillors’ Wards: they need to understand what is being proposed.
· Financial sustainability of the proposed model;
· Moral responsibility of all schools towards all of Rotherham’s young people;
· Improving all stakeholders’ opinions of Alternative Provision and Pupil Referral Units.
Councillor Russell thanked the Strategic Lead for Educated Other Than At School for her informative presentation and contribution to the discussion.
Resolved: - (1) That the report be received and its content noted.
(2) That the decision of the Cabinet to support the proposed structure (Minute No. C93 of 16th October, 2013) be noted.
(3) That a further report be presented to the Improving Lives Select Commission in twelve-months’ time relating to the progress of the review and whether the changes were functioning effectively. This report should link in to this Select Commission’s continuing work programme item on Children Missing Education.
Supporting documents: