Agenda item

Integration Transformation Fund


Tom Cray presented information that had been received from NHS England with regard to the above Fund.


Planning guidance would be issued on 16th December, 2013, but 10 key points had been highlighted:-


-          Improving outcomes

-          Strategic and operational plans

-          Allocations for CCGs

-          Tariff

-          Integration Transformation Fund

-          Developing integration plans

-          Working together

-          Competition

-          Local innovation

-          Immediate actions


There was a real opportunity to create a shared plan for the totality of health and social care activity and expenditure that would have benefits beyond the effective use of the mandated pooled fund.  The plan would start in 2014 and form part of a 5 year strategy.  The £3.8B national pool brought together NHS and Local Authority resources that were already committed to existing core activity.  The Council and CCG would, therefore, have to redirect funds from the activities to shared programmes that delivered better outcomes for individuals. 


Discussion ensued with the following issues raised:-


-     Discussions had commenced looking at how the Council and CCG could agree an intervention approach to transform services to keep people out of hospital and early discharge


-     Of the £3.8B national fund Rotherham would receive approximately £20M, £10M of which was mandated funding streams.  The remaining £10M would be for the CCG to identify, and agree with the Council, services that should be decommissioned and a plan developed to decommission and transformation


-     A number of conditions attached to the Fund that had to be satisfied some of which gave clear indications as to what areas change and intervention was expected depending upon local conditions


-     The Cabinet had agreed that a simple local vision be developed supporting the delivery of locally determined priorities and was consistent with the national definition


-     Adopt a programme management approach with NHS Commissioners to produce a 5 year strategic plan informed by the priorities set out in the JSNA


-      Joint review of the existing pooled budget arrangements to help agree a 2 year operational plan


-     Develop a single framework that ensured the views of providers from the health and social care economy drove change


-     Synchronicity of planning and commissioning arrangements that operated to similar timetables


-     Understanding the operation of the different markets and developing a single market position statement to provide clarity on how the needs of the local population were met


-     Development of a shared risk register


-     All had to be consistent with the work of the JSNA and Health and Wellbeing Strategy


-     Initial draft strategic plan had to be submitted by 14th February, 2014


-     Other health communities in the region were at the same position as Rotherham


Laura Sherburn reported that NHS England would be responsible for the overall governance and assurance role.  If agreement was not reached, NHS England would likely be put into a dispute resolution role so, therefore, should not be involved in any Steering Group established but would need to see its Terms of Reference.


Resolved:-  (1)  That a Task and Finish Group, comprising 3 representatives from the CCG and 3 from the Local Authority, be established and meet as a matter of urgency.


(2)  That NHS England be provided with a copy of the Task and Finish Group’s Terms of Reference.


(3) That a Risk Register be developed and submitted to the December Board meeting.

Supporting documents: