Agenda item

The future of tourism and the visitor economy in Rotherham.


Further to Minute No. F12 (Communications Update) of the Cabinet Member for Culture and Tourism meeting held on 9th July, 2013, the Cabinet Member welcomed the Head of Corporate Communications and Marketing (Environment and Development Services Directorate) and the Regeneration Manager (Planning and Regeneration, Environment and Development Services Directorate) to the meeting to present a report relating to the future of tourism and the visitor economy in Rotherham.  The Cabinet Member had been receiving regular updates on the Local Authority’s subscription to Welcome to Yorkshire under the communication updates section of her agendas. 


The Overview and Scrutiny Management Board (Minute No. 73; The Future of Tourism and the Visitor Economy in Rotherham), had considered this matter, which was part of their work programme, at their meeting on 15th November, 2013.  The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board, and the Scrutiny Services Manager, were also in attendance to report on the issues discussed by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board. 


As background to this issue, the report noted that, on 14th December, 2010, the Former Cabinet Member for Culture, Lifestyle, Sport and Tourism agreed to formally withdraw the council’s tourism provision (including subscription to British Resorts and Destinations). However, it was agreed that the Council would continue its subscription to Welcome to Yorkshire, the official destination management organisation for the region (Minute No. D44; Review of Tourism Service Provision refers).  


The submitted report included the anticipated benefits of the Council’s subscription that Welcome to Yorkshire brought to Rotherham. Following the decision on 14th December, 2010, the Local Authority did not have a dedicated Tourism Officer or team within its Service structure.  It had become apparent through the on-going refresh of the Rotherham Growth Plan that a much wider tourism offer was required to support the functions including business tourism, sports and cultural events and leisure activities. 


Tourism, in all of its forms, was an important part of the Borough’s economy.  The existing Growth Plan estimated that tourism was worth £225million to Rotherham each year. 


The Local Authority’s Service Level Agreement with Welcome to Yorkshire relating to the annual subscription was considered. 


Discussion ensued on the known benefits to Rotherham of the subscription, and where potential improvements could be made to develop an increased Rotherham-based offer along with the measures that could be introduced to ensure that full value for money was achieved from the subscription to Welcome to Yorkshire.  The existing Service Level Agreement was heavily marketing-based and appeared to be relatively generic, and it was believed that a more specific approach was required to allow benefits to be maximised for Rotherham.  A number of practical steps were suggested to improve the support available for tourism, including an audit of all of the tourism assets in the Borough.   


Resolved: -  (1)  That the report be received and its content noted. 


(2)  That efforts be made to determine the infrastructure existing within the sub-region relating to tourism and, in particular, maximising the Welcome to Yorkshire subscription, and the potential to increase this infrastructure.


(3)  That Welcome to Yorkshire be invited to attend a forthcoming meeting of the Cabinet Member for Culture and Tourism to outline the full provision available to Rotherham and to discuss possible changes to the existing Service Level Agreement


(4)  That efforts be made to determine the viability of offering a placement to a Higher Education student in relation to Rotherham’s tourism function.   

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