Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Strategy

-        Progress on implementation by Councillor Wyatt


Councillor Wyatt (Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing) presented a progress report about the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, which was twelve months into implementation.  The six strategic priorities of the Strategy were being delivered through a set of workstreams, each with an identified lead officer who had attended the Health and Wellbeing Board to present their action plan. The new outcomes framework to measure progress on the priorities is being developed, linked to the national Public Health Outcomes Framework.


The workstreams and progress to date were as follows:-


Workstream 1: Prevention and Early Intervention

-          Individual commissioning plans for the locally determined priorities (smoking, alcohol and obesity) being developed ensuring they had a focus on Prevention and Early Intervention;

-          An increase in the number of adults screened and offered brief intervention within Primary Care in relation to alcohol;

-          The Clinical Commissioning Group’s Strategy was delivering more alternatives to hospital admission, treating people with the same needs more consistently and dealing with more problems by offering care at home or close to home;

-          Remained 1 of the best performing Health Check Programmes, with 57% of people in Rotherham having completed a first Health Check since 2006.  There will need to be a step change in performance to achieve the 20% annual target of eligible people screened;

-          The ‘Making Every Contact Count’ model had been agreed in principle at the previous Health and Wellbeing Board;

-          The Suicide Review Group had been established and had reviewed all suicide deaths and looked to support actions to improve mental health and wellbeing, including the development of active bereavement support to reduce the risk of suicide in family members.


Workstream 2: Expectations and Aspirations

-          Development of a customer pledge which was currently proceeding through the final agreement stage, but not progressing as well as hoped;

-          Complaints baselines had been collated to enable monitoring of performance against numbers and types of complaints in relation to Customer Service;

-          Practitioner Information Sharing events had taken place for a number of the deprived areas, with the purpose of looking at how to tackle some of the challenges in relation to poverty and deprivation;

-          A single set of Customer Standards had been consulted upon at the Rotherham Show in September and was now being developed by the Council with the intention of rolling out further and seeking sign-up from other partners.


Workstream 3: Dependence to Independence

-          Formal review process being undertaken - to validate that this element of the Strategy was embedded and resulted in effective outcomes;

-          Workforce Strategy Group established and a draft Workforce Strategy now in place;

-          Risk Strategy Task and Finish Group, Terms of Reference and action plan are in place;

-          Shared decision making framework has been agreed;

-          Presentation made to Shaping the Future Provider Forum on 9th July 2013, with presentations to be made to future Crossroads and Age UK Annual General Meetings;

-          Voluntary sector representation on workstream group;

-          Joint Telehealth Strategy agreed;

-          Progress made towards Personal Health Budgets – will be in place by 31st March, 2014;

-          Netherfield Court staff tasked with developing an approach that looked beyond people’s physical rehabilitation, to a more holistic approach.


Workstream 4: Healthy Lifestyles

-          Strong focus on delivery of health behaviour change activity across the Borough, focussing specifically on deprived neighbourhoods and attendance at community events by Services to raise awareness and referrals;

-          Adoption of the Smokefree Charter, followed by roll-out and promotion through voluntary and community organisations, businesses and educational establishments;

-          Commissioned training for agencies providing support to members of the public affected by Welfare Reform, with particular focus on mental health and support services;

-          the ‘Making Every Contact Count’ workshop has been held;

- and forward plan in development;

-          Refresh of Rotherham Active Partnership and engagement of Elected Member as Chair;

-          Work had continued on the review of number of Behaviour Change Services and development of new Service specifications, prior to re-tendering or transfer of commissioning responsibility to the Council;

-          Weight management providers actively seeking to extend their reach into Children’s Centres, Schools and Colleges;

-          Obesity and Tobacco Control programme activity presented to the Public Health England Conference in September 2013.


Workstream 5: Long-term Conditions

-          Plans in place to extend personal health budgets to a wider cohort of patients during pilot period, working in partnership with the Council to 1st April, 2014;  Sub-groups formed with agreed Terms of Reference;

-          Self-management strategy agreed by the Urgent Care Management Committee;

-          the Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group had developed a practitioner skills programme on self-management and is currently trying to identify GP practices willing to utilise the programme;

-          Intermediate care facilities fully operational and Winter-ready, providing an alternative level of care for people with long term conditions who could not remain at home;

-          Joint Commissioning Team identified high intensity users of Social Care Services with the next step being to match them against high users of health services and establishing whether there was a correlation;

-          Specialist psychological support was now being provided to all stroke survivors as part of the Integrated Stroke Care Pathway.  This process now needed to be rolled out to other care pathways

-          Winter Plan included the process for identifying those with long term conditions who were vulnerable.


Workstream 6:  Poverty

-          Nine of the eleven deprived neighbourhoods had identified health as a key priority area and actions to address it were embedded into Neighbourhood Plans, where appropriate;

-          Actions included learning about healthy lifestyles, improving access to Health Support Services and reducing alcohol consumption on the streets;

-          Adult Skills had been identified as a key priority in eight of the eleven deprived neighbourhoods, therefore, actions had been included in plans to address this issue;

-          Workshop planned for Service providers with the objective to determine what a strategy would look like to get those people, who are away from the labour market, ‘work ready’;

-          Mapping exercises completed to ascertain the extent of poverty alleviation work currently being undertaken in Rotherham and also to capture national best practice in anti-poverty work;  discussions taking place to map out what a building resilience strategy would look like;

-          Limited capacity to achieve the Priority around actively working with every household in deprived areas to maximise benefit take-up;  a Corporate review was being considered which would examine the appropriateness of Welfare Advice Services.


After the presentation, Members raised the following questions:-


: the key aims and the expected impact of the ‘Customer Pledge’ – the starting point is that the Pledge should be an expression of basic standards of health and social care to be provided for customers and patients;


: involvement of people who have learning disabilities in projects such as the ‘quit smoking’ and the ‘stop smoking in pregnancy’ campaigns; it was noted that there are specialist support services, including specialist midwifery and tailored support for women who are trying to stop smoking;


: the wide-ranging nature and contents of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy; it was noted that the Strategy is in place for a period of three years and intends to encompass all life stages (and age ranges); an explanation was provided of the monitoring arrangements for the Strategy’s workstreams and actions (via the multi-agency Health and Wellbeing Steering Group); it was acknowledged that local and national priorities may change over time;


: issues concerning mental health and the waiting lists for assessment;


: funding for Winter pressures;


: the transfer of funding for Public Health services, from NHS England and from NHS Rotherham to this Council;


: progress with the actions to reduce the incidence of people drinking alcohol in the street; the complexity and seriousness of problems concerning alcohol were acknowledged;


: the incidence of obesity in young children – Rotherham is recognised nationally for its creation of the ‘Healthy Weight’ framework;


: auditing and monitoring of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy; one of the functions of the Health and Wellbeing Board is to hold the Council and partner organisations to account in the delivery of the services in accordance with the Strategy’s priorities;


: poverty and the impact upon the Rotherham economy of the coalition Government’s welfare reforms;


: the role and impact of the Deprived Neighbourhood Co-ordinators.


Resolved:- (1) That the contents of the report and the progress of each of the workstreams be noted.


(2) That a progress report be submitted to a meeting of the Health Select Commission, in six months’ time, detailing the progress of two of the workstreams of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of this Select Commission shall choose the two workstreams.

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