Agenda item

Better Care Fund

-        verbal update from the Task Group


Tom Cray, Strategic Director Neighbourhoods and Adult Services, gave the following powerpoint presentation;-


Task Group Terms of Reference

-          To work with members of the Health and Wellbeing Board to understand and interpret the requirements of the Better Care Fund

-          To develop a local jointly agreed vision for integration

-          To develop a plan to be signed off by the Health and Wellbeing Board and submitted to NHS England by 14th February

-          To do any necessary further work to ensure the plan was adopted and being monitored by April, 2014


We Are Here:-

-          The Health and Wellbeing Board has developed good relationships across the new health and care landscape

-          Already agreed the joint priorities through the Health and Wellbeing Strategy informed by the JSNA

-          The Health and Wellbeing Board have made a commitment to integration through the local Strategy

-          Clear links to what needs to be delivered as part of the Better Care Fund

-          Better Care Fund Plan would help deliver the Health and Wellbeing Strategy


Definition of Integration

-          Adopt the nationally recognised definition of Integration:

“I can plan my care with people who work together to understand me and my carer(s), allowing me control, and bringing together services to achieve the outcomes important to me” (‘National Voices’)



-          Ovearching vision of Health and Wellbeing Board: To improve health and reduce health inequalities across the whole of Rotherham

-          The Better Care Fund would contribute to 4 of the strategic outcomes of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy:

·                Prevention and Early Intervention – Rotherham people will get help early to stay health and increase their independence

·                Expectations and Aspirations – all Rotherham people will have high aspirations for their health and wellbeing and expect good quality services in their community

·                Dependence to Independence – Rotherham people and families will increasingly identify their own needs and choose solutions that are best suited to their personal circumstances

·                Long-term Conditions – Rotherham people will be able to manage long-term conditions so that they are able to enjoy the best quality of life


Measuring Success

-          Develop ‘I statements’ as a common narrative to help us

·                Keep the voice of Rotherham people at the heart

·                Understand what integration feels like for service users/patients/carers

-          Based on what people tell us – way of ‘making it real’

-          Influencing change through people’s experiences

-          Adopt this as a principle with aim to implement at a later date (drawing on lessons learned from national consultation)


Criteria for Selection of One Local Measure

Must have:-

-          A clear, demonstrable link with the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

-          Data which was robust and reliable with no major data quality issues (e.g. not subject to small numbers – see “statistical significance” in next section)

-          An established, reliable (ideally published) source

-          Timely data available, in line with requirements for pay for performance – this meant that baseline data must be available in 2013-14 and that the data must be collected more frequently than annually

-          A numerator and a meaningful denominator available to allow the metric to be produced as a meaningful proportion or a rate

-          A challenging locally set plan for achievement

-          A  metric which created the right incentives


Local Measure (choose 1 from 9 or select own)

-          NHS Outcome Framework

·           Proportion of people feeling supported to manage their (long term) condition

·           Diagnosis rate for people with Dementia

·           Proportion of patients with fragility fractures recovering to their previous levels of mobility/walking ability at 120 days

-          Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework

·           Social care related quality of life

·           Carer reported quality of life

·           Proportion of adults in contact with secondary, mental health services living independently, with or without support

-          Public Health Outcomes Framework

·           Proportion of adult social care users who have as much social contacts as they would like

·           Proportion of adults classified as inactive

·           Injuries due to falls in people aged 65 or over (Persons)


Does the Local Measure meet the Better Care Fund Criteria?


Local Measure – suggested option

-          NHS Outcome Framework

·           Possible new local measure

Health Related Quality of Life for people with long term conditions, Indicator E.A.2 from the “Everyone Counts”

·           Proportion of people feeling supported to manage their (long term) condition


Next Steps

-     To have a clear commitment from all partners to provide data and information as and when required

-     To agree the local measure for pay-for-performance element

-     Joint offer working group (LA/CCG/NHSE) to ensure we are meeting all national conditions

-     Consultation with user/patients/providers

-     Next Task Group meeting 31st January to look at:-

·      What is currently commissioned that does not improve Better Care Fund measures

·      What needs to be commissioned to meet the Better Care Fund measures and estimated costs

·      First draft of Better Care Fund Plan


Discussion ensued with the following points raised/clarified:-


-          The task group comprised of Martin Kimber, Chris Edwards, Julie Kitlowski, Councillor John Doyle, John Radford and Tom Cray

-          It was not new money but the funding currently allocated to the Local Authority and the CCG for Services provided to patients and the citizens of Rotherham

-          A regional event had shown that Rotherham had made similar levels of progress as others with regard to the submission

-          Challenge was to ascertain which Services met the outcomes and then how to prioritise to meet the Services currently commissioned


Tom was thanked for his presentation.



Supporting documents: