Agenda item

Integrated Youth Support Service - IT requirements.


Consideration was given to the report presented by the Operational Commissioner (Commissioning, Neighbourhood and Adult Services Directorate) that outlined the need to create a single information system that would meet the needs of the whole Integrated Youth Support Service (IYSS), which included Youth Offending, Connexions and Youth Services.  The report detailed the existing information system arrangements in the Service.


The IYSS currently ran two information systems, CareWorks, used by the Youth Offending Service for care planning and contributing to local and national performance management, and Cognisoft, used by Connexions and Youth Services to record interventions, along with information management and national reporting requirements.  The contract relating to Cognisoft was due to end on 31st March, 2014. 


The original Exemption from Standing Orders (Minute No. E30 of 19th November, 2012, refers) had been granted in order that the market could develop and products that would incorporate all required information technology requirements of the IYSS.  The Operational Commissioner reported that the market had not significantly developed during this period. 


In order to fully complete the integration of the IYSS, it was crucial for one information system to be in place.  The Cabinet Member was presented with three proposed options for the future operation of the Service. 


The three options were fully costed and the benefits and risks of each approach were included.  A bid had been made for capital funding associated with developing the information system. 


Option One: - Undertake a full tendering exercise for an Integrated Youth Support information system commencing in April, 2015, for a period of five years;


Option Two: - Continue to contract with Cognisoft for a period of five years from April, 2015, with a module developed for Youth Offending information that provided an integrated system for IYSS;


Option Three: - Continue with the Cognisoft and Careworks systems for a period of five years from April 2015.


Option One, to undertake a full tendering exercise, was the recommended option, and if approved, would require the Exemption of Standing Order 38.2 (the requirement to invite between three and six written quotations for contracts between £50,000 - £500,000) to extend the contract with Cognisoft until 31st March, 2015, in order that the tendering exercise could take place. 


Discussion ensued on the proposal and the following points were made: -


·         Did the proposed options satisfy the Youth Justice Board’s expectations? – Yes, all options had been drawn-up to satisfy the statutory information reporting and management requirements across the workforce.


The Cabinet Member expected that robust project management would be applied to the software development process to prevent rising costs. 


Resolved: -  (1)  That Standing Order 48.2 (the requirement to invite between three and six written quotations for contracts between £50,000 - £500,000) be exempted in order that the existing contract with Cognisoft be extended for a further year from 1st April, 2014 – 31st March, 2015.


(2)  That Option One be approved and a full tendering exercise be undertaken to achieve a single information system for Rotherham’s Integrated Youth Support Service.   

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