Agenda item

Children and Young Peoples' Services performance report.


Consideration was given to the report presented by the Performance and Quality Manager (Performance and Quality, Neighbourhood and Adult Services Directorate) that outlined performance of Children and Young People’s Services at the end of Quarter Three of the 2013-2014 year.  The report considered performance against targets, including the direction of travel against the previous year’s performance, alongside comparisons with statistical neighbours and national data where it was available. 


The report had been set-out in line with the proposed Corporate Plan Priorities, which showed the ‘priority area’, the ‘outcome’ and how performance would be ‘measured’.


An update was provided to the Cabinet Member, and the following reporting areas were highlighted: -


·         Take up of Secondary School lunches (No. 10 / NI52b): -


The take-up of lunches across both primary and secondary schools was subject to seasonal variation.  Take-up of primary school lunches had increased on the previous year, however, take-up of secondary school lunches was below target at 37.2%, although this was up on the previous year by 1.6%.


Discussion ensued on this and it was noted that the data only included schools where the Rotherham Schools’ Catering Service provided meals, schools that had chosen to use a different provider were not included in the statistics.  The Rotherham Schools’ Catering Service was continuing to monitor uptake of meals and the effectiveness of promotion and marketing. 


The September, 2014, entitlement of Free School Meals for all Infant aged school children was noted. 


·         Percentage of initial assessments for children’s social care carried out within 10 working days of referral (No.12 / NI59)


At the end of December there were 1211 initial assessments completed in the year so far. Performance within the month was 60.4%. Combining the current data for completed and outstanding assessments the projected year end performance was 53%. 


·         Percentage of core assessments for children’s social care that were carried out within 35 working days of their commencement (No.13 / NI60): -


At the end of December there were 1566 core assessments completed in the year so far. Performance within the month was 54%. The total year’s performance at the end of the quarter had fallen to 65.5%. Performance at the end of Quarter Three was 17.8% lower than the same time last year (83.3%).


Discussion ensued in relation to the performance of NI59 and NI60.  The reasons why the performance had decreased were discussed.  It was noted that the process for duty cover for the Contact, Assessment and Referral Team meant that there was a social worker each week covering duty, leading to a negative impact on performance in completed Assessments within timescales.  Furthermore, there had been an increase in the number of assessments undertaken.  Independent assessment of the Service had been undertaken by an independent social worker currently looking at performance and improvements and he had confirmed his assurance that children were safe; fieldwork and visits were taking place and risk assessments had been completed, however, the writing up process was not being completed within the timeframes required.  Social Workers were receiving case-based supervision but were lacking in reflective supervision, which included training and development requirements.  All Social Workers were being given access to ‘The Big Picture’, a software package that allowed social workers to plan and monitor their caseloads.  The performance levels were not due to vacant posts or worker turnover in the teams. 


The Cabinet Member expected the performance against NI 59 and 60 to be improved in future reports and asked that Senior Managers pursue this as a priority through supervisions and the PDR process.  Whilst recognising that fieldwork and risk assessments were in place, and consequently that vulnerable children were safe, the Cabinet Member expected that the record of activities undertaken be up to date.


·         Timeliness of placements of looked after children for adoption following an agency decision that the child should be placed for adoption (No.14 / NI61)


At the end of December, 27 adoptions had been completed in-year representing an increase of 8 from the position this time last year.  Sixteen of the 27 had been completed in timescale, giving a performance of 59.3% which, although still a ‘Red’ indicator, is an improvement on previous Quarters.  At this point last year, performance was 47.4%. 


Performance was rated as ‘Red’ because the Adoption Team had concentrated on family finding and matching for harder to place children. This concentration of efforts was in the best interests of the children involved. 


The work of the Adoption Team was being bolstered by the Adoption Reform Grant, which was a time-limited additional source of funding.  Further work needed to take place to avoid that, following the end of the Grant, the performance of the Adoption Team did not decrease. 


·         Child protection plans lasting 2 years or more (No.17 / NI64): -


This Quarter had seen a high number (104) of plans cease compared to other Quarters. 10 of these had been open for two-years or more, which was more than the rest of the year combined. This took the total number of plans ceasing to 270 of which 18 were over the two year threshold, making a performance of 6.7% and ‘Red’.  This was compared to the same time last year of 4%. 


The continuing quality assurance work that was taking place was also considered. 


Resolved: -  That the report be received and its content noted. 

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