Agenda item

Induction Programme for New Members


Consideration was given to a report presented by Caroline Webb, Senior Adviser (Scrutiny and Member Development) which requested that Members consider draft proposals for the induction programme for newly elected Members in 2014.


Further information was provided on the importance of the Members’ Training and Development Panel having input into the induction programme, feedback and evaluation of the 2012 Programme and ICT support.


In taking the 2014 Programme forward it was suggested that a two-tiered approach be taken. The first part of the programme would be a concentrated two-day session covering ‘essential’ information in the days immediately following the election and following agreement of the Programme all prospective candidates be contacted prior to the election and asked to commit to these sessions (if successful).


The evaluation of the 2012 programme showed a number of Members had a very strong preference for evening sessions to accommodate their working commitments.  This practice had since been built into other programmes (subject to the availability of venue/facilitators) and it was, therefore, suggested that if possible, the sessions should be organised around an afternoon/early evening pattern to minimise disruption to employment or other day-time commitments. 


If a two-tier approach to induction was approved, it was suggested that the in-depth programme covering the following areas:-


·                Member’s role in the community.


·                Undertaking casework.

Ø   Understanding ward data.

Ø   Handling difficult situations.

Ø   Giving difficult messages.


·                Understanding overview and scrutiny.


·                Understanding Council priorities.


·                Equality and diversity.


·                Introduction to planning and licensing.


·                Members’ role as corporate parents.


·                Safeguarding.


·                Member’s role in emergency planning.


·                Communication and media (including social media).


·                Council website – accessing information and services online.


·                Speaking and contributing to meetings.


·                Questioning skills.


Ø   Introduction to local government finance.


The Programme would be scheduled to run over the course of the municipal year, with elements forming part of the generic member development programme.


It was anticipated that the majority of sessions would be delivered in-house, with any additional costs for external facilitation met through the Member Development budget.


As with previous years, it was suggested that Members be involved in the delivery of the 2014 Programme and views were sought on how this input could be best facilitated. 


It was also noted that each newly Elected Member would receive an updated handbook after the election.  This provided information on the day to day running of the Council, the support services available and contact details of relevant staff.  Each new Member would also receive a hard copy of the Local Government Association’s Guide for New Councillors.


Discussion ensued on the draft programme, which was comprehensive, and would provide the necessary information for newly elected Members.  It was also suggested that the Planning and Licensing Regulatory sessions be held as soon as possible and that consideration be given to ensuring training for Licensing was received for new Members prior to meetings taking place, following the example set down by Planning.


It was particularly important for Cabinet Members to provide support to newly elected Councillors and to guide them through the democratic process.


Reference was also made to the Members’ Handbook, its content and format and the value that should be shared again with the current Members electronically once refreshed.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the structure, timing and contents of the draft programme be noted.


(2)  That there be a programme of established member involvement in the induction programme.


(3)  That the contents of the handbook be refreshed and a hard copy provided to all newly elected Councillors, but that an electronic version be circulated to all Councillors as soon as practicably possible.


(4)  That Officers be thanked for their input to the induction programme and the support they provide.

Supporting documents: