Agenda item

Area Assembly Chairs

-        Minutes of meeting held on 10th March, 2014


Area Assembly Chairs

Monday, 10th March, 2014


Present:- Councillor McNeely (in the Chair); Councillors Atkin, Beaumont, Dodson, Falvey, J. Hamilton, N. Hamilton, Havenhand, Johnston, Read, Swift and Whelbourn.


Apologies for absence:- Apologies were received from Councillors Currie and Sims.


29.        Minutes of the Previous Meeting and matters arising


            The minutes of the previous meeting held on 20th January, 2014, were noted.


Resolved:-  That a report on Streetpride Champions be submitted to the next meeting.


30.        Partners & Communities Together (PACT) Update


            Steve Parry, Neighbourhood Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour Manager, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-


The Policing Pledge 2008

-                In June 2008, the Louise Casey Review, Engaging Communities in Fighting Crime, suggested a more structured approach to community empowerment and involvement in identifying and accountability around local priorities


-                The Policing Pledge was born out of the new approach and in December 2008 the Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police formally agreed to implement the principles of the Pledge


-                The key components of the Pledge were separated into 3 main areas:-

·       Citizen Focussed service provision (dealing with people fairly, with dignity and respect and being accessible and keeping victims updated)

·       Incident handling protocols (999 calls, non-emergency calls and calls in relation to locally defined priorities)

·       Engaging and consulting the public on local priorities, crime data and sentencing (Partners and Communities Together (PACT) meetings and process)


-                PACT meetings were established in Rotherham, amalgamated within the Area Assembly meeting on the months that meetings take place and as ‘standalone’ meetings on those months when there was no Area Assembly meeting


-                On 29th June, 2010, the Home Secretary of the newly elected coalition Government “scrapped” the Policing Pledge with immediate effect


-                PACT meetings continue to be held in Rotherham aligned to the Area Assembly meetings


-                The Police and Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable met in January to discuss the PACT meeting process in South Yorkshire and there was a joint agreement to publicise the following ‘PACT (Minimum Standards) Neighbourhood Engagement Policing Pledge’


-                The current position in Rotherham in respect of the 7 ‘Pledge Standards’ was as follows:-


Pledge 1

·       We will hold bi-monthly PACT meetings where you can meet your Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT), local Councillors, partner agencies and other members of your community to agree priorities for your local area

·       Current position – A robust structure already in place that exceeds the minimum requirement


Pledge 2

·       We will hold at least 1 engagement event each month (in addition to PACT meetings) where you can meet members from your local SNT and talk to them directly about issues in your community.  These will be held at various locations and times of day to give as many people as possible the opportunity to engage with their local police team

·       Current position – This can be accommodated within the existing structure


Pledge 3

·       We will ensure dates, times and venues of PACT and engagement events are advertised 12 months in advance and are not cancelled at short notice

·       Current position – Accommodated within the existing process – PACT meeting advertised on both the Police Safer Neighbourhood Teams and Area Assembly websites – confirmation required that meetings are published 12 months in advance


Pledge 4

·       We will provide you with regular updates on local crime and policing issues.  This will include information on specific crimes, those brought to justice, details of what action we and our partners are taking to make your neighbourhood safer and how your force is performing

·       Current position – Primarily a Police process


Pledge 5

·       We aim  to have all PACT meetings chaired by a local Councillor or member of the public; where this is not possible meetings will be chaired by a Police Officer

·       Current position – Accommodated within the existing structure in respect of local Councillor – awaiting further detail from the Police in respect of meetings being chaired by a member of the public


Pledge 6

·       We will engage with partners and Local Authority Members to make sure we have a complete approach to keeping your local community safe and whenever possible ensure PACT meetings are incorporated into existing meetings to maximise the efficient use of officers’ time

·       Current position – Police acknowledge that improvements could be made in respect of regular engagement – PACT meetings are incorporated into existing meetings


Pledge 7

·       We will ensure that you are consulted on any significant changes that are under consideration for your local Safer Neighbourhood Area

·       Current position – Awaiting further detail from the Police on their proposals in respect of this Pledge


Discussion ensued on the presentation with the following issues raised:-


-                The existing structure should be able to accommodate the Neighbourhood Engagement Policing Pledge

-                Attendance at Area Assembly meetings of Police Officers of sufficient ranking had been raised with the Police

-                The Constitution had recently been updated including the frequency of meetings which may affect the PACT meetings being unable to “tag” onto an Assembly meeting

-                It was the intention to have a PACT meeting bi-monthly with an engagement event on the alternate months which was the Police’s responsibility to organise

-                Desire for the word “consult” in Pledge 7 to be changed to “information sharing”

-                A publicised time slot at a Parish Council meeting/Councillors Surgery could be used for Pledge 6

-                Dates and times of Assembly meetings were publicised but sometimes, due to unforeseen circumstances, they had to be changed

-                Concern if a PACT meeting was not chaired by a local Councillor or a Police Officer


It was noted that the Pledges had been introduced and were not out for consultation.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That the report be submitted to the Safer Rotherham Partnership.


31.        Area Assembly Chairs/Area Partnership Managers Update


            Andrea Peers, Area Partnership Manager, gave the following update:-


Wentworth Valley

-      Community First bids were currently being invited for Hoober, Silverwood and the Valley Wards.  There had been 2 celebration events on 10th and 18th March

-      Affordable Warmth – current ongoing programme in Wentworth, Harley and Brampton with an awareness drop-in event being held on 13th March

-      Community Involvement – a Summer Wonderland event had been held on 25th February in Dalton supported by local Councillors.  Over 200 local people had attended which had enabled the Team to build up their database on engagement activity

-      Community Organisers – an extension had been secured for East Herringthorpe so applications would be welcomed until 2nd May.  There were to be 2 local awareness raising drop-in sessions to promote it

-      Easter Events – Local Elected Members had sponsored a range of Easter events

-      Area Housing Panel – Wentworth North and Wentworth South were inviting bids for environmental projects for 2014/15

-      NAG – the new Police Inspector had agreed to sign off Parkgate and adopt 2 new areas for Maltby


Councillor N. Hamilton congratulated staff on the Summer Wonderland event.



-                An awareness raising event around Child Sexual Exploitation had been held

-                “Locks” Project – Burglary other (burglary of sheds and outbuildings) was a problem across the Borough.  Some vulnerable areas in Maltby had been identified and an agreed joint package of funding (Area Housing Panel, local Members, Fire Service) with locks and signage purchased.  Yorkshire Housing’s Staying Put Project had fitted the kit free of charge.


Councillor Beaumont reported that, following a lot of preparation for the CSE event with regard to the target audience, time of meeting etc., it had been agreed that the Bramley business community would be targeted.  Invitations letters had been sent and personal visits explaining the purpose of the meeting.  It had been very positively received, however, only 1 had attended from the business community.



-                A roadshow had taken place to kick start the disadvantaged communities agenda



-                Winter Wonderland event held which had been very well attended

-                Big Local consultation continuing – members of the public voting for the priorities they wanted to see in the Plan



-                Event held on last day of term to engage young people – 500 young people had attended and had included attendance by the Police, Know the Score, Youth Service, Sexual Health, Community Alcohol Partnership etc.


Shaun Mirfield, Area Partnership Manager, gave the following report:-


Rotherham North

-                Co-ordinating Groups had been held to discuss deprived neighbourhoods and staffing issues

-                It had also been agreed that there would be an Away Day in September to both review the past and plan for the future and a session in February around the budget

-                Deprived Neighbourhoods

Ferham – There was to be a clean up on 5th April and work ongoing to lease part of the old Thornhill Recreation Ground.  Discussions were taking place with Green Spaces, Rotherham United Community Trust and Sport England with regard to a funding bid to develop facilities

Eastwood – A number of properties had been the subject to a Police investigation which would be discussed at the forthcoming NAG meeting.  Local Learning Community event held at My Place which more than 40 front line workers had attended and identified a range of issues pertinent to schools and other local partners regarding pre-school provision, attainment, jobs and skills, safeguarding etc.  It had been agreed a series of themed events be held the first of which was on 4th April looking at pre-school provision.  Work was ongoing with Children, Young People and Families Services with regard to the development of the new school


Members also raised the following issues:-


-                Athena Awards – deadline for nominations was 17th March


-                Greasbrough Historical Group – a newly formed group that was working on a book of Greasbrough and the surrounding area and the war.  It would involve a lot of work with the school and elderly people in their homes.  Any war memorabilia/memoirs that could be loaned/passed on would be greatly appreciated


-                St. John’s Green Task and Finish Group – there was a problem with litter in particular aluminium cans.  An arrangement had been reached with a local recycler that if he provided recycling bins, the shopkeepers would position them outside their premises and he would empty them


-                Wingfield Theatre Group – had received their first booking from a professional theatre group for Twelfth Night


Resolved:-  That the information shared be noted.


32.        Area Partnership Team Staffing Update


Paul Walsh, Housing and Communities Manager, gave the following staffing update:-


Helen Thorpe – Community Involvement Officer

Nicola Hacking – Community Involvement Officer, Wentworth Valley

Julie Barnett – Community Involvement Officer, Rother Valley West


Work was ongoing to backfill the gaps at Community Support level the above 3 appointments had created.


Resolved:-  That the latest staffing structure be circulated to Area Assembly Chairs.


33.        On-line Communications and Social Media


Helen Thorpe, Community Involvement Officer, gave a presentation on how communications could be improved through the use of social media and hopefully reach a wider audience.


There were issues with monitoring social networks but that could be addressed through training.  The advantages/disadvantages of a number of forms of social media were illustrated. 


It was felt that Twitter would be the best vehicle for Area Assemblies.


Resolved:-  (1)  That Twitter be used as the method of social media to publicise Area Assemblies.


(2)  That the response be monitored and reported in 4 months.


34.        Any other business


There was no other business to report.

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