Agenda item

Private Rented Sector

-       presentation at the meeting


Further to Minute No. 176 of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 28th March, 2012 and Minute No. 164 of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board held on 30th March, 2012, the Select Commission received a presentation from Paul Benson (Private Sector Housing Officer) which provided an update of the progress with the action plan and recommendations of the scrutiny review of the private rented sector.


The presentation responded to the recommendations listed in the original report and the following activity was discussed as progress being made:-


Recommendations 1 and 2: Long-term sustainable action plan

         Private Rented Sector engagement strategy

        Borough wide/local data; landlord forums; research; etc.


        Proactive and reactive

         Support to local agencies, landlords and agents

        Bond and Rent in Advance schemes, floating tenancy support

        Localised initiatives e.g. Eastwood, Dinnington and Maltby


        Only staff time available and energy efficiency funding used


Recommendation 3: Engage with landlords, tenants and councillors

         Landlord information

        Borough wide and local forums; Borough Council website

         Research, analysis and consultation

        Landlords understanding of the Green Deal, consideration of Selective Licensing in targeted areas

         Tenant support

        Floating tenancy support

        Key Choices support offered to prospective prs tenants

         Enforcement protocol

        Encourage better management of properties


Recommendation 4: Landlord accreditation scheme

         Accreditation scheme considered in 2012

        Unfeasible due to lack of resources and interest

         Promotion of national accreditation schemes

        Local landlords informed of NLA/RLA national on-line accreditation schemes

         Alternative landlord recognition/support schemes considered

        Selective Licensing and alternative voluntary landlord scheme


Recommendation 5: Enforcement action

         Enforcement Concordat

        Action taken to deal with private tenant service requests; 780 inspections, 93 notices served with ten prosecutions during 2013/14

         Charging of enforcement notices

        Average cost £200/notice

         Proactive and reactive enforcement work

        Aligned with the deprived area agenda

        Reactive service offered throughout the borough

         Houses in Multiple Occupation review completed

         In-house training for Community Protection Unit officers


Recommendation 6: Empty properties back into use

         Council Tax charges

        Increased for properties over two years empty and charging for properties empty less than six months

         Undertaking ‘works in default’

        To reduce impact of blight on surrounding area

         Use of regulatory powers

        Framework created for ‘enter dwelling management orders’ and enforced sale procedures

         Social Housing Provider assistance


Recommendation 7: Private rented sector agency support

         Eviction/repossession prevention tools

        Housing Solutions

        Homelessness Strategy

         Landlord incentive schemes

        Rent in Advance scheme

        Bond schemes

         Floating tenancy support

         Private Rented Sector properties free from hazards


Continued activity will focus on the following;

         Provide a decision on Selective Licensing

         Progress ‘enter dwelling management orders’ and enforced sale procedures

         Market Private Rented Sector properties through the Property Shop

         Consider a tenant reference scheme

         Continue to offer rent in advance, bond schemes and floating tenancy support

         Increasing the usage of Private Rented Sector accommodation to deliver/meet ‘homelessness duty’

         Explore options for providing single point of contact within Benefits

         Introducing a short-term tenancy intensive intervention service


During discussion of this item, Members raised the following matters:-


: feedback from the public consultation exercise undertaken in respect of the proposed selective licensing scheme; costs to landlords of the licensing scheme;


: reference to the investment of public funds in the regeneration of parts of the Rotherham Borough area (eg: the Eastwood Village and Springwell Gardens area);


: the difficulties which some tenants have in affording the cost of property bonds;


: reference to private rented sector properties in various parts of the Borough area, including those properties which have blighted their surrounding areas;


: some Members expressed the view that a mandatory licensing scheme for landlords would be more effective than a voluntary scheme;


: legal proceedings (eg: use of enter dwelling management orders and enforced sale procedures); the process and timescale of entering cases for Court proceedings;


: use of accreditations schemes and the inspection of the condition of properties;


: reference to the selective licensing schemes operated by other local authorities;


: Members noted the reasons why a Borough-wide licensing scheme for landlords would be impractical.


: Members asked to be provided with the presentation slides, displayed at today’s meeting.


Resolved:- (1) That the information contained in the presentation be noted.


(2) That a report on the outcome of the public consultation exercise about the Council’s proposed scheme for the selective licensing of landlords be submitted to a future meeting of the Improving Places Select Commission, prior to being considered by the Cabinet.


(During consideration of the above item, the following Members declared their personal interests shown:-


Councillor Dodson – landlord of private rented sector property

Councillor Ellis – Chair of the Rotherham Bond Guarantee Scheme Limited (Robond), a Homeless Charity

Councillor Godfrey – Member of Robond

Councillor Sims – Member of Robond

Councillor Wallis – Member of Board of Laser Credit Union)