Agenda item

Masbrough Parking - Consultations and Proposals


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Transportation and Highways Projects Manager, concerning parking issues in part of Masbrough, the consultations undertaken and proposals presented to the community.


The report stated that local businesses, residents and churches in Masbrough have expressed concerns about the amount of commuter parking occurring in that area and the resultant negative impact upon the local community. A petition, containing 330 signatures, organised by the St. Bede’s Catholic Church, had been submitted to the Council, requesting the introduction of parking restrictions on the surrounding roads (e.g. Albert Street, St. Bede’s Road, Station Road and Victoria Street).


Members noted details of the consultation, undertaken during 2012, with residents and businesses in the Masbrough area. A majority of respondents had reported experiencing parking problems during the working day. The responses identified a definite pattern of parking problems in some of the streets south of College Road, which was confirmed by observations of parking practices. There was also a majority of the respondents in favour of a Controlled Parking Zone. However, a further consultation process, undertaken during the Spring 2013, revealed that there was insufficient support to introduce permit parking and pay-and-display parking in this area.


After further investigation, a parking scheme was being proposed which would include the following features:-


-          provision of some turnover of parking;

-          removal of commuter or long-stay parking from outside locations which rely on the availability of short-stay, on-street parking (e.g. the local churches);

-          introduce waiting restrictions at locations where parking was not appropriate (e.g. road junctions);

-          introduce limited waiting on some sections of the streets in this area;

-          revoke the existing ‘No Waiting Monday-Saturday 8.00am to 6.00pm’ restriction on the northern side of Station Road (west of Albert Street) and introduce the same type of Order on the southern side;

-          change the priority at the Station Road and Princes Street junction, so as better to reflect the main movement of vehicles and address concerns about safety;

-          introduce limited waiting (maximum stay of two hours and no return within two or three hours), where there is a time restriction on parking but without a charge, from Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 4.00pm.


The funding for the proposed parking scheme in the Masbrough area is from this Council’s allocation from the Local Transport Plan 3 Sheffield City Region Integrated Transport budget.


Resolved:- (1) That the report be received and its contents noted.


(2) That the outcome of the consultations on the parking issues, as detailed in the report now submitted, be noted.


(3) That the redesigned proposal to provide a turnover of parking spaces, whilst still maintaining safe access and some on-street parking without restriction, as detailed in the report now submitted, be approved.


(4) That the required legal notices for the proposed scheme, as shown on Drawing number 126/17/TT284 now submitted, be prepared and advertised by the Director of Legal and Democratic Services, with a view to implementation of the scheme during the 2014/2015 financial year.


(5) That the Masbrough community and the lead petitioner be informed of the outcome of the consultation and of amended proposals described above.

Supporting documents: