Agenda item

Better Care Fund


In accordance with Minute No. 87 of the previous meeting, a copy of the bid submission made to NHS England was submitted for information.


The issues raised in the initial feedback had been addressed and submitted in accordance with the deadline; no feedback had been received as yet although the deadline had passed for NHS England and the Peer Review. 


It was noted that the BCF Task Group would monitor the delivery of the BCF through quarterly meetings, ensuring targets were being met, schemes delivered and additional action put in place where the plan resulted in any unintended consequences.  The Task Group would report directly to the Board.


As part of the application, the Council and CCG had to ensure that all partners were fully informed of the impact of the Fund.  Accordingly a meeting was planned the following week with the Hospital and RDaSH. 


Discussion ensued on the documents with the following issues raised/clarified:-


-          Each workstream now had an identified lead.   A BCF Operational Group had been established consisting of the leads plus support team which would report to the Task Group

-          The workstream leads had been tasked with providing a detailed action plan for their particular workstream

-          Work was still to take place with Healthwatch Rotherham regarding consultation

-          The need to tie in BCF01 Mental Health Service with the Director of Public Health’s annual report


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That the feedback from NHS England be reported to the Board.


(3)  That a quarterly Better Care Fund Plan update be submitted to the Board.


(4)  That BCF01 Mental Health Service be the first review to be carried out.


(5)  That Healthwatch Rotherham report back on the situation nationally regarding the Better Care Fund through Healthwatch England.


(6) That, if possible, work on the Better Care Fund be included in the conference to be held in July.

Supporting documents: