Agenda item

Better Care Fund

9.20 a.m


Tom Cray, Strategic Director, Housing and Neighbourhood Services, presented a report which provided a brief overview of the process undertaken to date, NHS England feedback received to the bid and how the plan would now be implemented.


Discussion ensued with attention drawn to the following:-


-          Attached to the report was the Risk Register and a summary of each of the 12 schemes which made up the programme


-          The new Care Bill was ranked as a “red” risk as the final detail was awaited.  Once known, the detail would have to be evaluated to ensure no deviation from the intended funding outcomes


-          Amendment to the wording to reflect “continuing engagement with all providers”


-          Concern that there was little mention of how Healthwatch would engage in the process.  Reassurances were given that the role of Healthwatch, its added value and independence, had not been deliberately omitted but acknowledgement that ideally discussions should have taken place with regard to their role.  However, time constraints dictated by NHS England’s deadlines had prevented them from happening.  Healthwatch would have a great part to play in consulting with patients and the general public with regard to the rolling out of the plan, how it was monitored and its evaluation.  As part of Healthwatch’s funding arrangement, there would be specific pieces of work required to feed into the customer experiences


-          There may be a solution with regard to data sharing that would allow the whole community to access patients’ records.  By the end of June there would be the ability to access EMS and Patient 1 records which would be a massive step forward with a view to a single care plan


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That quarterly reports from the Better Care Fund Task Group be submitted.

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