Agenda item

Scrutiny Review - Support for Carers


The Director of Health and Wellbeing reported on the joint review undertaken by the Health and Improving Lives Select Commissions during 2013 and reported to Cabinet on 5th February, 2014 (Minute No. C177 refers).


The Select Commissions had recognised the contributions made by carers in their review and sought to consider the following:-


-          If carers generally identified themselves as carers

-          The degree to which carers accessed support or considered they need support to assist them in their caring role

-          Where carers go for initial support

-          The key factors necessary to ensure carers received good and timely information

-          Any areas for improvement in current information provision


The review had established that carers represented a vital unpaid workforce within the Borough and that they needed to be invested in.  Any resources invested to support carers  represented an opportunity to reduce pressure on social care and health services.


The review produced 11 recommendations:-


·           That NHS England, Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group and Rotherham Council work with GPs to ensure that the first line of support aims to increase the number of carers identified and seeking support


·           In looking at recommendation 1 above, the partners consider whether professionals should work on the presumption that the close family member or friend is a carer and ask questions to determine if this is the case and therefore what information resources are required to back this up


·           That Rotherham Council investigates further with the Advice in Rotherham partnership (AiR) and the Department of Work and Pensions, what specific information carers need to access benefits that are available to them.  This may also help to identify more carers


·           That NHS England, Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group and Rotherham Council, work with their VCS and other partners to create the carers pathway of support; an integrated, multi-agency response to the needs of carers, using carers assessments and crucially the allocation of a “buddy” or “lead worker” to champion their individual needs.  This lead worker should, where possible, come from the most appropriate agency identified for individual needs


·           That Rotherham Council considers via its review of services to carers, and in light of the new requirements imposed by the Care Bill, reconfiguring its advice and information offer for Carers including; Assessment Direct, Connect 2 Support, Carers Corner and outreach services, to ensure that flexible support is offered within existing resources


·           That the “triangle of care” presented by RDaSH be considered as part of this process as something that could be adapted and rolled out to all partners providing support to carers


·           That Rotherham Council reviews its carers assessment tool in the light of the Care Bill to ensure it is fit for purpose.  This should involve considering whether it could be less onerous.  The correct title of the document “Carer’s needs form and care plan” should be used by partners to reflect that it is an enabling process rather than an “assessment”


·           That Rotherham Council looks to set more stretching targets for carers assessments and regular (annual) reviews


·           That steps are taken to ensure that the Joint Action Plan for Carers meets the recommendations of this review and is more accountable in terms of its delivery, seeking to influence external partners accordingly


·           Whilst the review group has sought to make recommendations that can be accommodated within existing resources it also recognises that there is a strong case for further investment in this sector, in line with the prevention and early intervention agenda.  It therefore recommends that the allocation of resources to carers (including the Better Care Fund) is reviewed to demonstrate how the changes to services proposed within this review are to be achieved


·           Although outside the original scope, the review group recognised the important role public, private and third sector employers, play in providing flexible employment conditions for carers and therefore recommend that the findings of this review are shared with partners as widely as possible.  In addition they reaffirmed the commitment in the Carer’s Charter to actively promote flexible and supportive employment policies that benefit carers


Discussion ensued on the report with the following issues clarified/raised:-


-          The Carers’ Charter and Carers’ Action Plan incorporated the review’s actions

-          A report was to be submitted to the Chief Executives’ meeting regarding the employment aspect


Resolved:-  That the report be noted.

Supporting documents: