Agenda item

Domestic Abuse Performance Management Framework and Action Plan


Sue Wilson, Performance and Quality Manager presented the Performance Management Framework and Action Plan, Annual Report for Domestic Abuse for 2013/14.


The Domestic Abuse Performance Management Framework had been in place since April, 2013 and comprised the action plan against the Strategy: Violence Against Women and Girls, other key developments from the recent Scrutiny Review, an HMIC review of Domestic Abuse and also actions from Domestic Homicide Reviews.


Some highlights in progress during the year included:-


-          Awareness raising had been very successful particularly around the changes following the change in definition of Domestic Abuse to include 16 and 17 year olds


-          Champion identified as part of the Scrutiny Review and the subsequent merger of the Domestic Abuse Forum and Domestic Priority Group


-          Domestic Abuse would be an element of the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) through the IDVAs being located in the MASH, which was currently planned for early August, 2014


-          There had been an increase in the number of reports of domestic abuse incidents that were classified as a crime


-          The number of domestic abuse incidents reported to South Yorkshire Police had exceeded its target of 6,000 increasing from 5,555 to 6,401


-          Increase in the number of referrals to IDVA from 420 to 565


The DAPG had been trialling the management of Domestic Abuse repeat offenders through a range of partnership interventions which were pre-Court.  This had been achieved by a problem solving approach, working offenders and victims to establish the most appropriate partnership services to assist in reducing re-offending and to protect the victims.  Work with high risk offenders in December, 2013, had resulted in the management of 17 offenders and none re-offending.  Work was now focussed on medium risk offenders which had seen a 90% reduction in re-offending.


The work was continuing and the number of offenders being managed has increased to 25.  South Yorkshire Police were conducting a full evaluation of the work to identify learning for sharing.


It had been recognised that the Framework had fulfilled its original intention to look at activity and key priorities for the first 12 months.  However, a full review of both the action plan the Performance Framework was currently underway to ensure that all actions and measures were outcome focussed and fit for purpose to underpin the Strategy moving forward.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the Performance Management Framework and Action Plan annual report 2013/14 be noted.


(2) That the actions taken, improvements made and the performance monitoring taking place against the key measures around Prevent, Protect and Pursue and the under-pinning Violence against Women and Girls Strategy be noted.


(3)  That the excellent work carried out around the Perpetrator Programme by trialling work on Domestic Abuse repeat offenders through a range of partnership interventions which were pre-Court and had led to a reduction of re-offending of over 90%, be noted.


(4) That the minutes of the meetings of the Domestic Abuse Priority Group be submitted to future meetings of the Cabinet Member and Advisers for Adult Social Care.


(5) That the annual outturn report for 2014/15 be submitted to a future meeting of the Cabinet Member and Advisers for Adult Social Care.

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