Agenda item

Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Strategy for Children and Young People 2014-19

Paul Theaker, Commissioning Team, and Ruth Fletcher Brown, Public Health


Paul Theaker, Operational Commissioner, and Ruth Fletcher-Brown, Public Health Specialist, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-


CAMHS Commissioning

-          More providers than just RDaSH

-          More commissioners than just Rotherham CCG


CAMHS Tiered Model of Provision

-          Commissioners

NHS England

Rotherham CCG


-          Providers

Private Sector

RDaSH CAMHS (Sheffield Health and Social Care, Nottinghamshire Healthcare)


Voluntary Sector



Where key services fit in the Tiered Model

Tier 1

-          Health Services - School Nurses, Family Nurse Partnership, Midwives, Accident and Emergency, LAC Nurse, Health Visitors, GPs, Dieticians, Sexual Abuse Referral Centre, Rotherham Institute of Obesity and Parenting Support Advisory Service

-          Social Care – Youth Offending, Parent Support Advisory Service and Family Recovery Programme

-          Education – Rowan Centre

-          Voluntary Sector - Barnardos

Tier 2

-          Health Services - RDASH CAMHS, Child Development Centre, Paediatricians

-          Social Care – Youth Start, Looked After and Adopted Children

-          Education - MIND

Tier 3

-          Health Services - RDASH CAMHS, Child Development Centre, Early Intervention in Psychosis, Paediatricians

-          Social Care – Youth Start, Looked After and Adopted Children

-          Education – MIND, Educational Psychology

Tier 4

-          Health Services – NHS England

-          Social Care – Disability Service, Custody

-          Education – Educational Psychology



-          May/June, 2013 – Issues with RDaSH CAMHS Service

-          ‘Contract Query’ process October, 2013

-          GP Surveys – September and December, 2014, May, 2014

-          Universal Workers Survey January, 2014

-          ‘Top Tips’, Directory of Services, locality workers, GP events and IYSS conference


CAMHS Strategy

-          Draft format

-          Informed by National Guidance and local feedback

-          Formalisation of some ongoing work

-          From issues raised by families, carers, referrers and services


Draft Recommendations

-          Ensure patient/parents/carers input into developing services

-          Develop multi-agency care pathways

-          Develop family focussed services which were easily accessible and delivered in appropriate locations

-          Best value for money for the people of Rotherham

-          Flexible working times – not restricted to normal operating hours

-          Appropriate training and support for staff

-          Transition from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services to Adult Services

-          Multi-agency single point of access (SPA) to Mental Health Services

-          Services that demonstrate improved outcomes for children and young people

-          Promote the prevention of mental ill health

-          Reduce the stigma of mental illness

-          Reduce waiting times and improve access


Next Steps

-          Engagement of parents, carers and young people

-          Finalisation of Strategy

-          Continuing joint commissioner/provider improvement work

-          Opportunities for engagement

-          Pathways event


Discussion ensued with the following issues raised/clarified:-


·           Improvement Notice served on CAMHS last year

·           GP Surveys had revealed 20% satisfaction rate

·           A lot of work and improvement had taken place over the last year

·           The Local Authority put funding into the contract but no monies had  been realised until receipt of a draft Strategy.  Said Strategy had been produced on 31st March, 2014.  A CAMHS Strategy was now also a requirement of Ofsted

·           A meeting had taken place with parents at which the same issues had been raised as they had with Healthwatch

·           Meeting with Youth Cabinet to ascertain how they wished to be involved in the future

·           The Strategy would be considered by the Health and Wellbeing Board in September

·           It was confusing with regard to the people involved in the CAMHS process – RDaSH CAMHS work should be time limited but there would still be a Social Worker/IYSW/Key Worker working alongside CAMHS. 

·           Entry to the Service was by referral at present and could be via any agency involved with the young person e.g. Youth Start, Rotherham Mind, GP, Hospital


Resolved:-  That the report be noted.

Supporting documents: