Agenda item

Adult Social Care Year End Performance


Consideration was given to a report by Scott Clayton, Performance Improvement Officer, which outlined the 2013/14 key Performance Indicator results for the Adult Social Care elements of the Directorate together with current performance and new reporting requirements for 2014/15.


Rotherham had seen continued improvements across the range of 19 national Adult Social Area Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) measures reported in 2013/14 with 14 out of 18 comparable measures (78%) recording improvement since 2012/13 and 16 measures (89%) showing improvement over the last 2 year period since 2011/12.


The improvement has also been reflected in regional comparisons as Rotherham now had 7 measures in the regional top 3 and only 1 (Mental Health employment) in the bottom 3.  A similar positive comparison was seen when judged against its ‘nearest neighbours IPF model with 5 measures in the top 3 and only 1 (Re-ablement – offered) in the bottom 3.


Full details of all Yorkshire and Humberside regional rankings of the ASCOF measures were listed in Appendix A.


Performance highlights in 2013/14 included:-


-          Customer satisfaction levels of Adult Social Care were the best regionally and in the top 10 nationally

-          6,871 customers had been reviewed, 59 more than 2012/13

-          Almost 5,360 clients receiving Services had had the opportunity to access services of their choice via a personal budget, best in region

-          Reduced admission of older people to 24 hour care by 21 than in 2012/13 and 179 less than the 2011/12 rate. Supporting more people to achieve their wish of remaining to live at home.

-          100% performance in acting quickly to report safeguarding concerns helping to keep people safe

-          All 8 Council registered CQC services 100% compliant, providing high quality safe personal care


Areas for improvement in 2014/15 included:-


-           People supported in Mental Health Employment had fallen from a 3 year high, and placed Rotherham in the bottom 3 regionally.  Work was taking place with partners to find ways to improve performance

-           Plan to improve how many people could benefit from the Re-ablement Service by increasing the number of people who, when discharged from hospital were ‘offered’ the successful Service


The national reporting requirements had seen major changes in 2014/15 with longstanding annual statistical returns ceasing and a transition to reporting new more short and long term outcome based range of returns following implementation of the zero based reviews. Data capture recording of the new returns had commenced as from April and performance reporting would be phased in over the 2014/15 reporting year.  A combination of 16 ASCOF or local initial measures were able to be reported either as at Quarter 1 or July data.  These were currently showing 88% either on or slight variation to target with 2 Delayed Transfers of Care measures currently being rated as off target.


The current Adult Social Care KPI suite for 2014/15  was under final review following consideration of national benchmarking and publication of the ASCOF technical guidance.


Resolved:-  (1) That the year end performance results and the 2014/15 performance requirements be noted.


(2)  That a precise of the report be prepared for the Cabinet Member for circulation to Members.


(3)  That the Cabinet Member’s appreciation be placed on record for the efforts of those involved in the performance figures.

Supporting documents: