Agenda item

Grounds Maintenance - Scrutiny Review - Update


Further to Minute No. 36 of the meeting of the Improving Places Select Commission held on 27th November, 2013 and Minute No. 25 of the meeting of the Improving Places Select Commission held on 16th September, 2014, consideration was given to a report, presented by the Director of Streetpride, concerning progress with the implementation of the action plan arising from the scrutiny review of this Council’s Grounds Maintenance and Street Cleansing services. A copy of the updated action plan was included with the submitted report.


The report also included an explanation of the difficulties experienced with grass cutting, across the Borough area during the Summer of 2014. An important aspect had been the ‘perfect’ grass growing conditions created by the mild Winter during late 2013 and early 2014.


The Select Commission’s discussion highlighted the following issues:-


: the type of grass cutting machinery being used (the detailed contractual arrangements were noted);


: complaints received by the Council about various quality issues, such as the frequency of cutting, non-removal of grass clippings; reference was made to the examples of specific sites about which complaints were being made by members of the public;


: requests from the public for grass cutting to happen more frequently;


: the 28 sites, located in various areas across the Borough, upon which there was only limited grass cutting, leaving longer grass and sometimes having a pathway cut through the grass (this arrangement enabled cost savings to be made);


: reduced grass cutting frequency as a budget/cost reduction exercise (it was noted that the arrangement of five cuts per year was acknowledged to be the minimum amount);


: Housing Revenue Account funding for sites which are Council-owned and funded from that account; there has been improved frequency of grass cutting at these sites (ie: intervals of two weeks, whilst other Borough Council-owned sites have been cut at intervals of four weeks); details were provided of the arrangements and funding for the grounds maintenance of HRA sites during the Winter 2014/2015 and later in the year 2015, involving specific selected sites across the Borough;


: the impact of very wet weather upon grass cutting; the hindrance also caused to grass cutting by the construction of fencing in and around sites;


: the intention to commence grass cutting during March 2015 (depending upon weather conditions), in accordance with the agreed budget;


: ‘gateway’ sites to the Rotherham town centre and also to other towns and villages around the Borough area, where it is important for grounds maintenance to be undertaken regularly in order to enhance the attractive appearance of these areas;


: the quality of cutting is usually dependent upon the type of mower used (eg: flail, rotary and cylinder mowers); the different types of machinery are used on all sites, although at different times of the cutting season, to try and maintain a consistent standard of grass cutting across all sites;


: the arrangements of the Council’s grass cutting teams of operatives, who will utilise the various types of grass cutting equipment and machinery;


: the impact of budget reductions on grass cutting frequencies; the use of temporary employees during the cutting season which increases the flexibility of the grass cutting arrangements;


: whether the responsibility for the grounds maintenance of very small areas of open space (usually situated in residential areas) remains with the householders or becomes adopted and is therefore maintainable at public expense; it was noted that these areas are often included within newly-constructed residential developments;


: the practice of ‘grubbing out’ to ensure the removal of weeds; an additional street sweeper will be utilised to try and ensure a good standard of weed removal;


: the recording of contacts from the public, so that the Streetpride teams of operatives will be sent to the areas of highest demand; it was explained that Streetpride already undertakes the monitoring of calls and contacts and whilst it is important to adhere to the maintenance schedules, there is an element of flexibility to move the teams of operatives to the worst areas (this practice is also used in respect of street sweeping);


: the continuing use of volunteers and Streetpride champions; the loan of equipment to community groups undertaking litter-picking; it was noted that budget reductions had resulted in the disestablishment of staff positions who would promote community litter-picking around the Borough area and in schools;


: the volunteer scheme “Love My Streets” is still being developed and certificates issued to volunteers who assist with street cleansing and grounds maintenance.


Resolved:- (1) That the report be received and its contents noted.


(2) That the Action Plan for the scrutiny review of this Council’s Grounds Maintenance and Street Cleansing services be updated, as a consequence of today’s discussion, in order that it may be signed off as completed.

Supporting documents: