Agenda item

Area Assembly Chairs

Minutes of meeting held on 15th September, 2014


Resolved:-  That the following minutes be noted:-



15th September, 2014


Present:- Councillor Godfrey (in the Chair); Councillors Buckley, Currie, Dalton, Ellis, J. Hamilton, N. Hamilton, McNeely, Sansome, Sims, Swift, Wallis and Whelbourn.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Havenhand and Johnston.


8.         Minutes of the Previous Meeting


Consideration was given to the minutes of the previous meeting held on 16th June, 2014.


Resolved:-  That the minutes be received and the contents noted.


Arising from Minute No. 3 (Local Plan Consultation) concern was expressed that the 3 public drop in sessions did not cover the whole of the Borough.  The Chair reported that it was her understanding that a 4th had been added, My Place in the Town Centre.  Rawmarsh, Wickersley and Anston had been selected as they were the areas where there would be the most changes from the previous consultation.  It was also a question of staff resources.


The consultation would run from 13th October-24th November, 2014.


9.    Matters Referred from Scrutiny


There were no matters referred from Scrutiny for consideration.


10.    Area Assembly Chairs/Area Partnership Managers Updat


The Area Partnership Managers and the Area Assembly representatives gave the following updates:-


Rotherham North

Community First – 2 of the 3 Ward-based Panels were meeting as they had successfully secured further funding based on the work undertaken to date


Rotherham South

Excellent work taking place in the area involving the community in improving the appearance of their area e.g. monthly litter picks and in the process of setting up Streetpride Volunteers


Community First

Work was underway planning for the funding ceasing at the end of the current financial year.  Partnership Managers had had discussions with Rotherfed and Voluntary Action Rotherham.


The 3rd strand of the funding programme, Endowment Match Challenge, would begin in March, 2015.  There had been an assumption that there would be a direct link between the Neighbourhoods Grant Programme and the Endowment Match Challenge.  However a recent meeting had revealed it was to be managed by the Cabinet Office in partnership with the national Community Foundation with each community foundation being set an annual target to generate income from contributions from the private sector by the end of March which the Government would then match  50%.  If a Community Foundations hit its annual target the national Community Foundation would award the 50% match from the pooled budget; if not the match would be retained and allocated to other areas.


There had been some difficulties in South Yorkshire in achieving those targets so the allocation hoped for would not be as great.  There was the ability to access South Yorkshire Community Small Grants Priorities and there was a grant giving panel in Rotherham.  Existing projects would be signposted.


Social Media

Twitter had been launched by Rotherham South on 15th July.  To date 27 tweets had been sent out, generated 57 followers and re-tweeted by a range of people


Wentworth North

The traffic issues at Nether Haugh had been in the news recently and were a NAG priority.  A lot of work had been carried out with the Police and traffic calming measures installed.  There had only been 1 accident since the installation of the measures.


Fitzwilliam Estate – a new community on the Patio Estate


Hoober – A further £1,5000 Community First had been secured and allocated


Wentworth South

Community First Panel meeting due to take place for the Valley Ward in September.  Silverwood had allocated their funding


As from next week Rotherfed would be co-hosting for Groundwork Dearne Valley


The community group in East Herringthorpe had submitted a Community First bid.  It was hoped to hold a Christmas event and produce a newsletter


The Thryberghians had recently held an event which 156 had attended


Thrybergh was still a NAG priority – there was multi-agency working with a walkabout held in August to look at the problems posed in that area


Rawmarsh Community First had allocated all their funding


Rother Valley West

Big Local - the plan had been successful and endorsed by Big Local.  Sub-groups were now being set up and £12,000 had been allocated to community groups


Wentworth Valley

Little London – a Task and Finish Group had been set up to work with private sector housing stock and the role of the Area Assembly in supporting the community


Big clean up lead by the Town Council with all the communities in Maltby holding litter picks on the same day thereby raising the profile of environmental improvement


Rother Valley South

Work with the local Community Group Development Forum to draw down awards - just under £10,000 to carry out work across the vicinity particularly around local democracy.  There would be the usual Local Democracy Week activities


JADE had charitable status and taken over the lease of the former Housing building on New Street.  It was currently in the process of working through the Community Asset Transfer process.  It would provide activities and services for young people


Councillor N. Hamilton placed on record his thanks to the fantastic job carried out by Christine Staniforth whilst covering Sarah Currer’s maternity leave.


11.    Area Partnership Team/Corporate Community Engagement Service Merger Update


       Further to Minute No. 4 of the meeting held on 16th June, 2014, Paul Walsh, Housing and Communities Manager, reported that a report had been considered by the former Cabinet Member for Safe and Attractive Neighbourhoods (Minute No. 8 refers) and formal consultation with staff and the Trade Unions had commenced.


       Feedback on the proposed merger so far had predominantly been positive with clear benefits. 


       A further report containing the results of the consultation would be submitted to the Cabinet Member in November with proposed implementation as soon as possible thereafter.


Resolved:-  That the report be noted.


12.   Scheduling of future Area Assembly Meetings


       Due to the recent publication of the Jay report and the intense public and media interest, a decision had been made to postpone all Area Assembly meetings during September following advice from the Police and Emergency Planning.


       The next round of Area Assembly meetings would be commencing shortly.    Keith Bradley, Emergency Planning Officer, and Asif Akram, Health and Safety Officer, advised Members on steps that should be taken in the interests of their own personal safety as well as risk assessment, building security, security arrangements, change of venue if necessary, media and meeting protocol.


       Discussion ensued with the following agreed for the format for the October meetings to ensure consistency across all Area Assemblies:-


-      The Chair to read a prepared statement regarding the Jay report at the beginning of the meeting with it made clear that it was an issue that the Assembly would be returning to

-      A “normal” agenda including PACT priorities etc.

-      30 minutes for public questions

-      Awareness training to recognise the signs of CSE and the referral process offered to the Area Assembly

-      Senior member Children’s Services to be in attendance

-      Attendees to be reminded of the behaviour expected at meetings


It was the majority view that the Area Assemblies should proceed as scheduled.


It was also felt that it may be opportune to review the Area Assembly boundaries.


       Resolved:-  (1)  That Area Assembly meetings continue as scheduled subject to the appropriate risk assessments of each venue having been carried out.


       (2)  That in light of (1) above, the appropriate security arrangements be made if felt necessary.


13.    Any other business


SNT Meetings

Discussion ensued on the attendance at SNT meetings.  It still appeared that there were inconsistencies across the areas as to who received invites.


The areas where it did worked, it worked very well but this was not replicated across the Borough.


Resolved:-  That this issue be included on the agenda for the next meeting together with the protocol as to who should attend to ensure consistency across all areas.


Councillor McNeely

Councillor McNeely wished to place her thanks on record to the Area Partnership Managers and support officers for their help during her term as Cabinet Member.


14.    Date and Time of Next Meeting


Resolved:-  That a further meeting be held on 19th January, 2015, commencing at 2.00 p.m.

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