Agenda item

Financial Planning Process


The Chairman provided feedback on the morning’s workshop session which had focused on the medium term financial processes of the Council.


Key points that were considered at the workshop included a need for:-


·                Clarity on the future of the Council, its role in the context of severe budget reductions in public spending.

·                Clarity on the role of Elected Members and future Council arrangements and the implications for developing them.

·                Clarity on the political process and governance structure.

·                Clarity on the operating structure/model of the Council and whether it was fit for purpose.

·                The Council’s culture and roles of members and officers in relation to strategic and operational accountability, challenge and governance. 

·                Transformational programming and how the Council could achieve the change.

·                Capacity of the organisation and its future transformation.

·                Provision of public good/engagement with the public with clarification of partnership working with Public Health and the Police.


It was suggested that the elements of the above feature in the next draft of the Improvement Plan and for this to be revised and presented back to the next meeting.


The Board acknowledged the extent of the work involved, especially around the operating model within the financial context.  Much of the work involved needed to be undertaken urgently, with clear and explicit headlines, whilst being realistic in a plan that was sustainable and deliverable.


The Board did not wish to lose sight of the expectations required within the revenue streams of the Council.  Public confidence needed to be rebuilt in order to sustain the long term strength within the Council.


Resolved:-  That the points raised about be incorporated into the Improvement Plan and for this to be presented back to the next meeting for further consideration. The Chairman provided feedback on the morning’s workshop session which had focused on the medium term financial processes of the Council.


Key points that were considered at the workshop included a need for:-


·                Clarity on the future of the Council, its role in the context of severe budget reductions in public spending.

·                Clarity on the role of Elected Members and future Council arrangements and the implications for developing them.

·                Clarity on the political process and governance structure.

·                Clarity on the operating structure/model of the Council and whether it was fit for purpose.

·                The Council’s culture and roles of members and officers in relation to strategic and operational accountability, challenge and governance. 

·                Transformational programming and how the Council could achieve the change.

·                Capacity of the organisation and its future transformation.

·                Provision of public good/engagement with the public with clarification of partnership working with Public Health and the Police.


It was suggested that the elements of the above feature in the next draft of the Improvement Plan and for this to be revised and presented back to the next meeting.


The Board acknowledged the extent of the work involved, especially around the operating model within the financial context.  Much of the work involved needed to be undertaken urgently, with clear and explicit headlines, whilst being realistic in a plan that was sustainable and deliverable.


The Board did not wish to lose sight of the expectations required within the revenue streams of the Council.  Public confidence needed to be rebuilt in order to sustain the long term strength within the Council.


Resolved:-  That the points raised about be incorporated into the Improvement Plan and for this to be presented back to the next meeting for further consideration.