Agenda item


·         NHS England letter on organisational alignment and capability programme (Carol Stubley)

·         Better Care Fund – verbal update (Tom/Chris Edwards)



NHS England Organisational Alignment and Capability Programme (OACP)

Carol Stubley, NHS England, presented a letter received from Eleri de Gilbert, Director NHS England (South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw) regarding the changes to the organisation’s internal structure.


The aim of the reorganisation was, across England, to reduce the number of teams from the current 27 to 12 including the London configuration and to establish 4 regional teams.  For South Yorkshire that would mean a move to 1 geographic team which would encompass Yorkshire and the Humber meaning the 3 existing teams (South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw, West Yorkshire and North Yorkshire) would disappear and form into 1.  The changes were internal to the NHS and, therefore, there had been internal consultation with staff.  The changes would be implemented as from the beginning of 2015.


Whilst moving to 1 geographic footprint, there would still be a presence in each of the localities e.g. in Oak House for South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw.


In terms of the director functions for Yorkshire and the Humber there would be a Director of Operations and Commissioning (replacing the existing area teams – an appointment made and commencing on 5th January, 2015), a Medical Director, Finance Director and a Nursing Director.  There would be a further 3 Directors, each 1 would be locality based i.e. 1 within South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw, 1 for West Yorkshire and 1 for North Yorkshire.  The structure for this area had been developed specifically taking into account the large geographic area and the fact that each of the areas had unique issues.


There may be a change in attendance at the Health and Wellbeing Board but there would be more information once the team had been established.


The Chairman stated that he personally felt that the role of a NHS England representative on the Board was invaluable.


Better Care Fund

Chris Edwards, Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group, reported that a meeting had been held with Nick Clarke, Better Care Adviser.  The submission was being revised and would be communicated to the next Board meeting.


Health and Wellbeing Website

Michael Holmes, Policy and Partnership officer, reported that the website was up and running but at some point the Board should consider developing a wider communication plan including the use of social media.  There had been no feedback from partners with regard to any additions required.


The website would link to the NHS Constitution.


Crisis Care Concordat

It was noted that the Council had signed up to the Concordat as had the Clinical Commissioning Group, South Yorkshire Police and RDaSH.



It was reported that Chris Bain was to leave her position as Chief Executive of RDaSH.


Resolved:-  That the Board’s best wishes be conveyed to Chris and appreciation for her work in supporting the Board.


Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

Scrutiny Reviews that had implications for the Board and/or partners would be circulated at the scoping stage so there was the opportunity for the Board to discuss and possibly have an input.

Supporting documents: