Agenda item

Service Co-production in Rotherham


Consideration was given to a report presented by Sue Wilson, Performance and Quality Manager, which detailed how the Expectations and Aspirations work stream of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy had a priority in its action plan around co-production of services. This was fully endorsed by the Board’s member organisations.


The consultation report, as submitted, provided information around definitions of co-production, examples of where this was already in place in Rotherham and the suggested approach to move this forward across all organisations.


A key action which underpinned this work was:-


“We will co-produce with Rotherham people the way services are delivered to communities facing challenging conditions.”


Co-production was about delivering public services in different ways and developing relationships with service users that were equal between professionals delivering these services and those customers and carers in receipt of them.


Co-production was not just about consulting with citizens and “user voice” initiatives, it was much more than this.  It was a two stage approach that would take time to develop.  It was, therefore, suggested that this be considered on an annual basis to see which areas would lend themselves to be co-produced.


The proposal was for organisations to consider and decide which services would be suitable for co-production and begin to move to this as a concept of working.  It was clear, however, that that there were some services which would never be suitable to be co-produced.


On this basis it was suggested that organisations cascade the information internally, which could be reported back to the workstream on the 5th December, 2014 with an opportunity for the Health and Wellbeing Board to look at this in more detail in a workshop style setting.


There were already some good examples of where co-production was working in Rotherham such as Lifeline, Speak Up and the Rotherham Charter for Parent and Child Voice.


In considering the principle of co-production, some of the partners expressed some concern with the work that they were undertaking and the lobbying for equal access.  It was envisaged that there could be some duplication of work and asked for reassurances around case management and the benefits to the people of Rotherham.


Partners were advised that they were being asked to explore any opportunities that may lend themselves to this method of working and it was only for partners to indicate the areas which they thought were right and could add value and which may fit together for a different way of working and for this to include the voluntary and community sector.


To assist it was suggested that this subject may best be considered in a workshop style setting to consider the shared leadership and delivery outcomes whilst being realistic about budgets and demographic changes.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the consultation report and associated case studies be received and the contents noted.


(2)  That principles be noted and partner organisations cascade the report and information within their organisations.


(3)  That a workshop be arranged for the most appropriate people to consider further a two stage approach to move to co-production of services within their organisation and to establish what co-production in Rotherham would look like.

Supporting documents: