Agenda item

Improving Lives Select Commission's Scrutiny Review of Domestic Abuse - update to response presented in November, 2013.


·         Report and updated/annotated action plan attached. 


Councillor Hamilton welcomed Chrissy Wright, Strategic Commissioning Manager and the interim chair of the Domestic Abuse Priority Group.  Chrissy had attended the meeting in relation to the Scrutiny Review of Domestic Abuse that had been undertaken by the Improving Lives Select Commission and accepted by Cabinet on 5th February, 2014.  Minute no. C176 refers. 


Action plan comprised of 20 items.  It was a substantial piece of work for the operational teams to take forward. The Cabinet’s response to the Scrutiny Review of Domestic Abuse was considered, along with an update that was current as of 5th November, 2014. 


Questions asked included: -


·         The impact of the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) – this was still in its early days.  Benchmarking with other Local Authority’s had taken place and the use of a MASH had enabled prevention and disruption activity to prevent Domestic Abuse;

·         How were partners and the Vulnerable Person’s Unit working together and had there been training for staff? – Again, it was early days for the co-location of the VPU, the PPU and the Contact and Referral Team (CART).  Anecdotally, teams did appear to be communicating better and sharing intelligence;

·           What finance and investment was required? – There had been recruitment to two further posts through contingency funding;

·         Had any recommendations stalled?  - Any not complete were in progress.  All recommendations were on a timeline to be completed by March 2015;

·         Funding bids had been turned down? -  A detailed response as to why the bid had not been successful had been received and the Local Authority was looking for similar monies that could be bid for to pursue its work with perpetrators;

·         Were there strong relationships with the Police and Crime Commissioner’s office? -  Yes.  Future meetings were planned to look at accessing PCC funding;

·         Recommendation 14 covered the use of a standard approach and standard risk assessment by all agencies.  Were all agencies working towards an agreed and common understanding? – This had been reviewed with the Local Safeguarding Children Board.  Pre-birth assessments were not being undertaken as would be expected and clearer guidance had been rolled-out.  It would become a Tri.ex document as it currently only existed as a paper document.  The Domestic Abuse risk matrix aligned the needs of any child/ren to the adult victim; 

·         Were services attending the MARAC? - Key partners were attending and were aware that attendance was currently under review;


The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health, who had the issue of Domestic Abuse in his portfolio confirmed how he monitored the issues.  Minutes of the meetings came to his Cabinet Member meetings.  An initiative coming forward was that Rotherham was working towards the White Ribbon campaign whereby men advocated to other men that abuse against women should not be accepted under any circumstances.  All major sports clubs, the Police and the Council in Rotherham had been asked to sign up to it.   


Discussion continued: -


·         Was there less reporting taking place? – This was being discussed with the Police at a South Yorkshire level.  Research was being undertaken through Sheffield Hallam University to look victims’ journeys and how supported they had felt.  It could be very difficult to secure a conviction of Domestic Abuse;

·         How did Rotherham’s service compare to others? – The issue of Domestic Abuse was well-owned across the Council, across the Executive and by the Multi-Agency Support Hub. 


Councillor Hamilton thanked the Officers for the update presentation and requested an update in six-months’ time.  Progress so far appeared to be positive and it must be maintained and built upon. 


Resolved: -  (1)  That the report be received and its content noted.


(2)  That a further update report on the Improving Lives Select Commission's Scrutiny Review of Domestic Abuse be presented in six-months’ time. 

Supporting documents: