Agenda item

Matters Arising


·                Improvement Plan – Update (Officers to report).


Reference was made to Minute No. 10 (Update on Appointments) and the Board wished to congratulate all those involved in the swift appointments processes to date.


With regards to Minute No. 12 (Expected Shape of the Improvement Plan) the Board would provide oversight, support and challenge to the Council’s improvement and transformation journey and Jan Ormondroyd, Interim Chief Executive, with support from Justin Homer, due to start a full-time secondment to the Council from Local Government Yorkshire and Humber, would lead on taking the Improvement Plan forward and work closely with various people across the Council.


Sue Wilson, Performance and Quality Manager, provided an update on the draft Improvement Plan, which was circulated, and which would take account of all outstanding inspections to ensure it fully reflected the findings and recommendations, including those yet to come from the going Corporate Governance Inspection.


A preliminary summary was provided on the challenges facing the Council and which should focus on immediate actions with discussion, challenge and support from the Improvement Board.  On this basis five overarching and consolidating challenges were proposed:-


·                Children’s safeguarding.

·                Clarity over future purpose.

·                An organisation fit for future purpose.

·                Delivering change and sustaining strengths.

·                Culture and relationships.


The Board were mindful of the need to keep the Improvement Plan’s structure simple and not over complicate it and for the framework detail to include electronic links to other relevant documentation.


The Board were mindful of the cultural changes that would have to take place within the Council, which would take time, and the need for corporate responsibility for Children’s Service to be instilled.  This combined with an improved package of member development would help to improve Rotherham overall.


There was a need for wider transparency to restore public confidence in Rotherham and this needed to be carefully managed, alongside South Yorkshire Police.  The Council had to work from baseline customer satisfaction in order to strategically measure improvement moving forward.


The Board welcomed the suggestion of a special Improvement Board for Children’s Services and requested information from the Department for Education on the relationship with the current Improvement Board. There was some potential for shared membership between the two Improvement Boards, which would be closely monitored.


It was suggested that the Designate Strategic Director of Children and Young People’s Services and the seconded representative from Local Government Yorkshire and the Humber look into the role of a Children’s Improvement Board with colleagues from the Department for Education and the Local Government Association, including how this should relate to other improvement governance structures; and report back to the next meeting of this Board in due course.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the Improvement Plan be updated to include all inspections once complete.


(2)  That further information be sought on the establishment of a Children’s Improvement Board and this be reported back to the next meeting of this Board in due course. Reference was made to Minute No. 10 (Update on Appointments) and the Board wished to pass on their thanks to all who have helped ensuring the urgent conclusion to the various appointments processes to date.


With regards to Minute No. 12 (Expected Shape of the Improvement Plan) the Board would provide oversight, support and challenge to the Council’s improvement and transformation journey. Jan Ormondroyd, Interim Chief Executive, along with Justin Homer from Local Government Yorkshire and Humber, would complete the initial Improvement Plan following consideration of Louise Casey's findings.


Sue Wilson, Performance and Quality Manager, provided an update on the current draft of the Improvement Plan.


A preliminary summary was provided on the challenges facing the Council and which should focus on immediate actions with discussion, challenge and support from the Improvement Board.  On this basis five overarching and consolidating challenges were proposed:-


·                Children’s safeguarding.

·                Clarity over future purpose.

·                An organisation fit for future purpose.

·                Delivering change and sustaining strengths.

·                Culture and relationships.


The Board were mindful of the need to keep the Improvement Plan’s structure simple and for the framework detail to include electronic links to other relevant documentation.


The Board were mindful of the cultural changes that would have to take place within the Council, which would take time, and the need for corporate responsibility for Children’s Service to be instilled.  This combined with an improved package of member development would help to improve Rotherham overall.


There was a need for wider transparency to restore public confidence in Rotherham and this needed to be carefully managed, in collaboration with South Yorkshire Police.  The Council had to work from baseline customer satisfaction in order to strategically measure improvement moving forward.


The Board welcomed the suggestion of a special Improvement Board for Children’s Services and requested information from the Department for Education on the relationship with the wider Improvement Board. There was some potential for shared membership between the two Improvement Boards.


It was suggested that the Interim Strategic Director of Children and Young People’s Services and the seconded representative from Local Government Yorkshire and the Humber look into the possibility of a Children’s Improvement Board with colleagues from the Department for Education and the Local Government Association and report back to the next meeting of this Board in due course.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the Improvement Plan be  completed and adopted following consideration of Louise Casey's findings and recommendations.


(2)  That further information be sought on the establishment of a Children’s Improvement Board and this be reported back to the next meeting of this Board in due course.