Agenda item

Report results of investigation into Petition regarding speed and volume of traffic along A631 Maltby.


Consideration was given the report presented by the Transportation and Highways Projects Manager (Environment and Development Services Directorate) that outlined the actions taken following receipt of a petition from the Maltby Town Council stating ‘petition against the increasing traffic and the speed at which they drive on the roads through Maltby, i.e. Tickhill Road, High Street, Rotherham Road etc.  Tickhill wants to go back to 30’.  Sixty-six signatures had signed the petition which was accepted on 1st December, 2014 (Minute Number J.71 refers). 


The report noted that speed limits were set in accordance with the Department for Transport Circular Roads 1/2013, entitled ‘Setting Local Speed Limits’.  The factors suitable for 40mph roads were noted, and, as the A631 from the M18 Motorway through Hellaby until close to the junction with Harvest Close was bordered primarily by industrial and retail land, had minimal junctions or residential frontage, the 40 mph speed limit was in accordance with the Guidance. 


From Harvest Close the speed limit defaulted to 30mph until it changed back to 40mph near to Strauss Crescent to the east of Maltby.  The 30mph limit passed through areas with direct residential frontages and retail activity in the centre of Maltby, including on-street parking and substantial pedestrian movements across the road.  The section of 40mph were where residential properties were set-back from the road and there were pedestrian refuges present to assist pedestrians across the A631. 


The submitted report outlined that a speed survey had been undertaken on the 40 mph speed limit near to Lumley Crescent.  This resulted in 35mph average speed towards Maltby, and 37mph towards Tickhill.  This demonstrated that motorists were travelling at speeds commensurate to the speed limit.  To support lowering the speed limit, the average speed would have to be below 35mph. 


Collision records showed that of the injury accident database for the last three years within the 40mph on the A631 Tickhill Road, only one slight injury accident had been recorded, which had been during a period of snow falling when one vehicle slid into another. 


Speed surveys had been undertaken on Tickhill Road near Hamilton Road, and on Rotherham Road near to Dunstan Road in the 30 mph zone.  The 85 percentile was recorded at 31mph for both directions on Tickhill Road and 32 mph and 33mph on Rotherham Road.  This suggests that there was good compliance with the speed limit in those areas.


South Yorkshire Police operated mobile safety camera enforcement between Blythe Road and Addison Road.  South Yorkshire Safety Cameras had been informed of the petition and had indicated that the enforcement of the speed limit in the area did not result in many offences being captured.  This suggested that there was good compliance with the speed limit. 


Traffic volume on the A631 had been assessed and had seen both increases and reductions.  Whilst recent slight increases had been seen, they were significantly below the levels recorded in 2006. 


Resolved: -  (1)  That the result of the investigation into the speed of vehicles through Maltby be noted.


(2)  That no alterations to the existing speed limits be made.


(3)  That the lead petitioner and Maltby Town Council be informed of the outcome of the investigation.

Supporting documents: