Agenda item

Questions from members of the public.


A member of the public referred to a letter published in the Rotherham Advertiser from a parent of a child at Abbey School.  The parent was concerned about her daughter’s education as, for half of the time, the School was closed to children and no reason had been given.  The member of the public stated that the Local Authority should ensure that Schools were open all of the time.  For example, if children were absent because they had been taken on holiday, parents would end up being fined.  If the School had to be closed, parents should be given specific reasons as to why it had been closed, not general reasons. 


The Service Lead for School Planning, Admissions and Appeals (Schools and Lifelong Learning, Children and Young People’s Services Directorate) was shortly due to meet with the Interim Executive Board at Abbey School and would pass this information on to them. 


Councillor C. Beaumont, Cabinet Member for Children and Education Services, referred to the duty on the Local Authority and Schools to ensure the safety of children and young people and to inform parents and carers if this was not the case.  She agreed that reasons for any instances of school closures did need to be provided for every closure.


The member of the public asked a supplementary question and referred to a pressure campaign to make Abbey School unviable.  He was aware of a parent who had been pressured by the Associate Headteacher who had stated that the parent’s child would have to be educated at home if they did not accept an alternative school place immediately.  The member of the public felt that this type of pressure made a joke of the democratic and consultation processes.  If the School lost more than 50% of its students it would be de facto shut.  The Local Authority must ensure that parents are not put under pressure to move their children.  If and when the School closed the pupils should be guaranteed a place at another school at that point.


The Service Lead for School Planning, Admissions and Appeals (Schools and Lifelong Learning, Children and Young People’s Services Directorate) confirmed that no Officers of the Local Authority were saying this to parents and carers.  All Officers were aware that this was a consultation process and the decision would be a political one.  The Local Authority considered Abbey School as operational  until a final decision was made by elected members in June.  The Service Lead agreed to pass this back to the Interim Executive Board.


The Cabinet Member for Children and Education Services referred to the external consultant’s report, which would also inform the consultation process.


A member of the public referred to different messages he was hearing with regards to the involvement of Mr. Burman in Abbey School.  In previous meetings it had been shared that Mr. Burman had left from this position of responsibility.  However, the same day Mr. Burman had attended a meeting in Abbey School and still retained an education influence at the School.  The member of the public asked for correct information. 


The Service Lead for School Planning, Admissions and Appeals confirmed that Mr. Burman was still the Executive Headteacher at Abbey School. The minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet Member for Children and Education Services of 8th December made reference to the Interim Executive Board (which has replaced the Governing Body), not the Executive Headteacher.


The Cabinet Member could not recall confirming this at any meeting, but agreed to look back carefully at the minutes of the meetings.


The member of the public stated the information was shared at meetings on 8th and 10th December, 2014.