Agenda item

Sexual Health Strategy 2014 Framework for Delivery 2015 - 2017


Gill Harrison, Public Health Specialist, and Sue Grieg, Locum Consultant in Public Health, presented the Sexual Health Strategy for Rotherham.


In May, 2013, the Health and Wellbeing Board had recommended the reconvening of a multi-agency Sexual Health Strategy to produce an updated, comprehensive Strategy for Rotherham.  The Group had first met in October, 2013, and a draft Strategy circulated for consultation in June, 2014.  The Group had agreed the finalised Strategy in December, 2014.


The Department of Health’s Framework for Sexual Health Improvement in England had set out the Government’s ambitions for good sexual health and provided information about what would be needed to deliver good Sexual Health Services for commissioners and providers.  It was felt that a comprehensive strategic approach to the commissioning and delivering of Sexual Health Services could help minimise risk in relation to control of infection and in tackling unintended teenage pregnancy.


A couple of comments had been made as part of the consultation on the Strategy with regard to strengthening the Strategy, links with Safeguarding and CSE and also with respect to vulnerable young people.  Those changes had been made.  In terms of links with the CSE Strategy and action place they were very much consolidated.  The last section of the Framework for Action was both cross referenced with the CSE Strategy and action plan as well as the Needs Analysis for the CSE Strategy being referenced as a key action.  Attempts had been made to make the links without repeating the CSE Strategy.


Discussion ensued on the report with the following issues raised/clarified:-


-          The Safeguarding Children’s Board had been referenced in the Strategy


-          Information contained therein regarding the Sexual Health Service and its commissioning cross referenced with the CSE action plan


-          Any comments received from the consultation had been incorporated into the revised document.  Comments had included the need to cross reference the Alexis Jay report, Safeguarding, young people welcoming the emphasis on the young person and increased emphasis on Looked after Children 


-          The revised document had been considered by the Core Strategy Group and the Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body who had ratified the document.  They had commented that they would wish to see specific actions underneath the Framework for delivery particularly looking at the commissioning role and the individual groups’ role for commissioning.  Those comments would be taken on board during delivery of the Strategy


-          There had been no reticence to become involved with the consultation


-          Public Health worked with the School Effectiveness Programme to look at what they did.  There were national guidelines and programmes on good sexual and relationship education which started from the point of self-esteem and good relationships.  The national guidelines also spoke about the ages of children.  The School concerned was the best placed to know their children; there was no hard and fast rule to say where, when and what


-          There were standardised programmes of sexual education so Schools should be offering the same learning programme but how they actually facilitated it could be different e.g. could be work with the School Nurse or a teacher.  There were set workbooks and educational work that were used and promoted 


-          Something that Ofsted looked at within their Framework


Resolved:-  (1)  That the Sexual Health Strategy for Rotherham be submitted to the Health and Wellbeing Board for ratification.


(2)  That the report be submitted to the Cabinet Member for Children and Education Services for information.


(3)  That the Senior Management Team consider possible reporting routes for the future.

Supporting documents: