Agenda item

Waiver of Standing Orders for Post Abuse CSE Support Commissioned Provision and Further Commissions for Voice and Influence Work


Consideration was given to the report presented by David McWilliams, Director of Commissioning and Performance Management, which, following the findings of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham (1997-2003) by Professor Alexis Jay, published August 2014, detailed the Council and partners’ response to ensure there was the right kind of support in place to meet the needs of victims and survivors of child sexual exploitation by increasing the capacity of voluntary and community sector services and organisations.


A fund of £120,000 was announced by the Leader of the Council in September, 2014 for an immediate response to support victims and survivors of Child Sexual Exploitation through the Council’s commissioned services.  


The services already commissioned to date would cease at the end of March 2015, and it was proposed that this be extended until the end of June, 2015 and pro rata payments made accordingly to assist with the commissioning of longer term support for the next three to five years which would be informed by a Needs Analysis being led by Public Health.  To ensure the Needs Analysis included learning from the immediate commissioned services it was proposed that the longer term three to five years’ services commence from the 1st July, 2015 and include the comments from existing service users on how this provision should be tailored in the future, as referred to by the Chairman.


The voice and influence of victims and survivors was critical in ensuring that the right services were commissioned for the future, hence the requirement to extend the existing contracts to prevent any gap in provision.


Councillor C. Vines expressed his concern about the description of the provision extension and his confusion around whether the funds allocated in September, 2014 were grants or contracts and what service the Council were expecting or tendering.


The Director of Commissioning and Performance Management gave his assurance that the organisations in receipt of the funds had been commissioned against an agreed service specification apart from South Yorkshire Community Foundation, who were allocated funding to distribute through the voluntary and community sector.


In addition, a contingency fund of £11,319 was to be pooled with an additional £20,000 to be utilised for a specific commission to undertake consultation with victims and survivors of child sexual exploitation from a range of backgrounds, including BME, Roma and Asian communities to gain a better understanding of their experiences and how child sexual exploitation affected their communities.  This work was scoped up and ready to be commissioned.


 As the service provision was only provided up the end of March, 2015, an exemption from Contract Standing Orders was required to extend the current service provision to the end of June, 2015 to ensure the needs analysis was fully informed by learning from current commissioned services and the voice of victims and survivors and to ensure continued support whilst further provision was commissioned or existing services strengthened.


Councillor C. Vines found the terminology misleading, but was reassured contract management was in place with clear service specifications as to what the funds could be used for and regular contract management monitoring in place.


Councillor Parker sought clarification as to what the voice and influence work would entail with victims and survivors and whether this was information gathering


The Director of Commissioning and Performance Management explained that there was a need to engage directly with victims and survivors who have been affected by child sexual exploitation and which would inform the provision of service moving forward from 1st July, 2015.


Councillor Parker pointed out that many victims were still not coming forward because of their mistrust of the organisations involved and whilst provision was being made now via various organisations, what information was to hand to indicate how this money would be spent.


The Chairman explained that the scope of the work had been developed and organisations would be invited to bid for the funding.  A panel would assess any bids received, which was a critical piece of work that fitted into the jigsaw.


The Director of Commissioning and Performance Management reiterated his assurance that this bespoke piece of work would attempt to fill the gaps in provision going forward and every effort should be made to make contact with those hard to reach communities that were yet to come forward.


In response to the concerns about this being a service specific piece of work, the details of the scope would be shared with Members of the Opposition, which would be informed by expert input.


The Chairman also pointed out that there had been a specific recommendation from the scrutiny focus groups that the voices of survivors must be listened to and the scope of this work was to address the gap.


Councillor C. Vines expressed his concern that four months after the publication of the Jay Report nothing appeared to be happening.  There had been no arrests and despite the funds being made available to support tackling child sexual exploitation in Rotherham, children were still being abused.  The needs analysis and its aims referred to in the report were not going far enough and there were still victims who were not being helped.


The Chairman asked whether Cllr C. Vines’ concerns had been raised with the Police and was informed they had been.


Councillor Parker referred to a previous question he had asked at the Council Meeting relating to under age marriages within the Roma Community and the lack of information coming forward. He was informed the information was in the White Book and that  whilst the bespoke work with the hard to reach communities would not specifically consider these elements, this would form part of the questioning and consultation with these hard to reach communities.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the proposal to waive Standing Order 47 (contracts valued at less than £50,000 should be tendered) in accordance with Standing Order 38 (exemptions from contract standing orders) be approved and the current child sexual exploitation commissioned service be extended to June, 2015 to ensure that the needs analysis continued to be informed by the learning from current commissioned services and the voice of victims and survivors.


(2)   That the Contingency Fund be allocated to undertake further voice and influence work with survivors and victims of child sexual exploitation to shape the current Needs Analysis and longer term provision.


(3)  That £20,000 be pooled with the £11,319 Contingency Fund to commission further voice and influence work with victims, survivors and families, and incorporate a specific commission to gain further understanding of the effects of child sexual exploitation on minority ethnic groups and communities including Asian and Roma communities in Rotherham.


(4)  That details of the Needs Analysis be circulated to Elected Members, but its outcome submitted back to a future meeting of the Deputy Leader and Advisers for consideration.


(5)  That the scope of the specific consultation with the hard to reach communities be shared with Elected Members.

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