Agenda item

Child Sexual Exploitation Support Services Strategy

Verbal update by David McWilliams, Director of Commissioning and Performance Management


David McWilliams, Director of Commissioning and Performance Management, gave an update on the progress of the Child Sexual Exploitation Support Services Strategy and the post abuse support.


The Strategy was broken down into four specific areas:-


·                Marketing and Communication.

·                Needs Analysis.

·                Voice and Influence Work.

·                Commissioning.


Jo Smith, Post Abuse Co-ordinator, who had been in post two weeks, gave a brief summary of her activity to date, which included visits to the post abuse support organisations as an initial evaluation of progress.


Contact had also been made with key organisations which would assist in the formation of the needs analysis, reporting directly to the CSE Sub-Group of the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board.  The work would develop the voice and influence plan and feed into forward and future service planning.


An event was also being planned with both statutory and commissioned services to discuss where each fitted into the jigsaw of provision for tackling and dealing with child sexual exploitation. 


It was also noted that two meetings had already been arranged to develop a new management system, which would give clear definition to identify numbers and process allocations and would enhance transparency and information flows.


The Chairman also advised of Ministry of Justice funding which was a pot of £7 million that could be accessed to enhance existing services dealing with child sexual exploitation.  A consortium led bid was, therefore, being developed.


Councillor Parker pointed out that it was now four months since the publication of the Jay Report and was informed that the transformation of service delivery took time.


Sue Greig from Public Health highlighted the provision of front line post abuse support services to victims and survivors of child sexual exploitation and the additional funds which had been used to provide additional capacity, especially at G.R.O.W. and the Rotherham Women’s Counselling Service.


The needs analysis was intended to draw together the various funding provisions of different organisations and to understand where the unmet need was.  Despite the perception by the public and the media, Rotherham was undertaking some very good work and every effort was being made to structure the spectrum of support available.


All partner agencies were to work together to understand the problem and to respond collectively.  The voluntary and community sector had a very important role to play in this to ensure that the funds allocated to dealing with this issue were given a better chance to make a bigger difference.


The Chairman also confirmed the Clinical Commissioning Group had contributed £20,000 to the Rotherham Women’s Counselling Service and discussions needed to take place with partner agencies to ensure funds were allocated accordingly to need.


As well as the voluntary sector, additional monies had been put into Youth Start as they had a record of reaching difficulties groups up to the ages of twenty-five and which involved some work with Roma girls.


There was also a programme of work with schools as part of the Healthy Schools initiative, which worked alongside some mobile phone apps, e-learning and pastoral support.  How well this was targeted needed further evaluation. An example of a community awareness programme at Fleming Gardens was provided.


The Chairman suggested that it had been recognised by Scrutiny that there needed to be improved engagement with schools and this needed to be picked up as part of the Strategy.


The Director of Commissioning and Performance Management pointed out that the Strategy needed to include Police enforcement and this information needed to be collated and shared within schools.


One further gap in the Strategy was the Council’s strategic post for Child Sexual Exploitation.  A recruitment exercise was currently taking place and once an appointment had been made this would be beneficial.


Resolved:-  (1)  That officers be thanked for their respective updates.


(2)  That the information be shared with Elected Members.