Agenda item

Rotherham Parent Forum Funding


Consideration was given to the report presented by the Operational Commissioner (Strategic Commissioning) that outlined work that had been undertaken in partnership with the Rotherham Parent Forum. 


The report outlined the previous work that the Rotherham Parent Forum had undertaken on behalf of the Local Authority.  This had been funded by a grant from the Department for Education of £10,000 and a contribution from the Council of £5,000. 


On this basis, the Rotherham Parent Forum reached over 400 families in Rotherham so they could actively take part at a strategic level, consulting and feeding back to all parties. 


A proposal was now made to sustain and develop the Rotherham Parent Forum due to national uncertainly around funding post 2015.  For the period 1st January, 2015 – 31st March 2016, the following activities would be performed by the Partnership: -


·         Provide information and be a point of contact for parents and support the attendance of Forum officers at various SEND partnership meetings, including the training of more Forum members to widen the pool of those able to contribute;

·         Increase the number of Forum drop-in sessions from 1 to 3, extending their location to the town centre and the Forum Premises, in addition to the existing sessions at Kimberworth;

·         Increase the number of briefing workshops for parents of newly diagnosed children by one per term;

·         Ascertain the views of parents (of children and young people with special educational needs and disability), including with parents who were not members of the PCF, and provide this information to RMBC and when it holds statutory consultations, including those regarding: -


o   The SEND local offer;

o   School planning and re-organisations.


An allocation of £45,000 was available within the SEN Reform Grant and the SEND Implementation Grant (New Burdens). 


Due to the unique nature of the partnership with the Rotherham Parent Forum, which was the only local parent-led service that could meet the Local Authority’s needs an exemption from Standing Order 49 (Tender invitation and receipt of tenders) was requested so that the contract could be made with the Rotherham Parent Forum.  The Rotherham Parent Forum had already established links and built up the trust of parents and carers. 


Discussion followed and the following issues were raised and clarified: -


·         Rotherham’s long-term relationship with the Rotherham Parent Forum was commended.  The Local Authority did listen and care about children and families with special educational needs and disabilities;

·         The contribution from £15,000 per annum to £45,000 was a large increase, why was this the case, and could the Local Authority afford it? – The Operational Commissioner confirmed that the period related to the remainder of the 2014/2015 and all of the 2015/2016 financial years.  There was a significant increase in activity.  As the funding was from the SEND Reform Grant it was guaranteed to the end of the period, 31st March, 2016. 


The Strategic Director confirmed that he had recently met with the Rotherham Parent Forum and the Forum was needed in Rotherham to ensure that children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their families were placed at the heart of decision making.  Rotherham had some ways to go in order to catch-up in this area.


Resolved: -  (1)  That the report be received and the information noted. 


(2)  That Standing Order 49 (Tender invitation and receipt of tenders) be exempted for Rotherham Parent Forum funding from Rotherham Borough Council due to the unique nature of the partnership and the lack of other suitable providers in the local area. 

Supporting documents: