Agenda item

Audit Committee Work Plan 2015/16


Colin Earl, Assistant Director of Audit, ICT and Procurement, presented the draft 2015/16 work plan.


The plan had been updated to take into account current significant issues relating to the Committee’s Terms of Reference, recognising the “Fresh Start” being adopted by the whole of the Council and, therefore, provided a fresh approach for the Committee which would be reflected in an Audit Committee Prospectus currently being drafted.


The work plan showed activity under the 3 main functions of the Audit Committee i.e. Accounts Matters, Audit/Control Matters and Risk Management/Other Matters.  The Audit Committee Prospectus would set out Audit Committee standards, the scope of its work and how it would seek the assurances about the management of risks across the Council.


The new arrangements would also include:-


-          Regular briefing/training sessions on topical subjects prior to each meeting

-          Recruitment of an independent member to augment the skills and experience currently provided by the Audit Committee

-          Regular detailed reviews of Directorate risk registers including the involvement of Cabinet Members (Advisory) in managing/reviewing the risks

-          Setting aside 1 full meeting in January 2016 for a self-assessment exercise

-          A reflection at the end of each meeting on any matters arising during the meeting that should be mentioned/referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board to take into account in its work planning


The fresh approach, together with other new arrangements, would strengthen the Audit Committee and enable it to better obtain assurances about the effective management of the Council’s activities.


Discussion ensued with the following issues raised/clarified:-


-          The Committee’s Terms of Reference had not been amended since May, 2014 – given all the changes that had taken place they should be revised


-          The Audit Committee was an important tool to ensure the Council was following the proper rules and procedures as well as management of risk


-          The Prospectus would set out the fresh start for the Committee and reiterated the standards that it would be looking to work to and based on CIPFA standards.  It would identify the key activities for the municipal year and how the Committee intended to work with Scrutiny and the Advisory Cabinet in the future


-          The advert for the Independent Member had been issued


-          The Prospectus was to be submitted to the Government in August


Resolved:-  (1)  That the development of the Audit Committee’s role and approach be noted.


(2)  That the 2015/16 work plan for the Audit Committee be approved.


(3)  That the drafting of the Audit Committee Prospectus outlining the new approach be noted.


(4)  That the Prospectus and Terms of Reference be submitted to the next meeting.


(5)  That the respective Advisory Cabinet Member and Strategic Director be invited as follows to present their Directorate Risk Register:-


23rd September, 2015

Children and Young People’s Services


24th November

Finance and Corporate Services


20th January, 2016

Adult Social Care


10th February

Economic and Development Services and Public Health


27th April

Assistant Chief Executive



(6)  That key partners be invited to the Audit Committee on an annual basis to discuss joint risks/shared interests/concerns.

Supporting documents: