Agenda item

Health Review on Waste


The Director of Streetpride reported that the Council’s Waste Collection and Waste Disposal Services had been included in the recent Health Checks of a number of key Council services (some others being Housing, Planning and Development, Leisure, Culture and Sport, Transportation and Highways). The Health Checks had been undertaken by a peer group of local government officers from other local authorities, during the period 20th to 22nd October, 2015.


The outcome of the Health Checks were several positive issues, others that were negative and also some challenges facing these services. Some initial feedback has been received, although the final written report of this Health Check is still awaited.


(i) Positive issues


The Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham waste PFI project is regarded, nationally, as an exemplar, ‘milestone’ project; the Health Check has suggested that this joint working partnership (inter-authority agreement) could be extended to incorporate more waste disposal contracts and further work on this issue will be undertaken in the future.


(ii) Negative Issues


Refuse Collection – during the Summer 2015, a number of household bins had not been emptied on the scheduled day; refuse collection vehicles had questionable reliability; issues concerning the recruitment and retention of light goods vehicle-trained drivers (some drivers are employed on a seasonal basis for seven months, usually for the green waste collection vehicles). A collection round missed on one day would have consequent effects on subsequent days’ collections. There is concern that some staff may lack a ‘citizen focus’. Refuse collection is a public-facing service and its quality often impacts upon the reputation of a local authority. Sickness absence may impact upon the deployment of refuse collection crews. The work is physical and demanding, although sickness absence rates had been higher than expected during the Summer 2015.


(iii) Challenges


-          Commercial and trade waste - the opportunity exists to develop this service and to generate more income; work should take place in partnership with the Barnsley and Doncaster local authorities in order to expand the nature of this service;


-          Service Management stability, in view of the personnel changes currently taking place;


-          the current uncertainty in terms of the Council’s budget position and the shape of the waste collection and waste disposal services in the future;


-          the proposed re-organisation, by the Government-appointed Commissioners to the Council, in order to align the Waste Collection and
Waste Disposal Services with other street-based services, so as to facilitate better service resilience;


-          the proposed development of a service improvement plan, so that the service may achieve the highest standard possible.


During discussion, Members of the Select Commission raised a number of issues relating to this health check:-


o    the consistency of the scheduled household refuse collection days;


o    changes to the configuration of the refuse collection rounds and the replacement of refuse collection vehicles;


o    the bank of employees (and use of employees via employment agencies); the green waste vehicle drivers (employed on a seasonal contract) are likely to be retained;


o    Commercial and Trade Waste Collection – currently, there is no marketing of the Council’s own service; this matter will be discussed with representatives of both the Barnsley and Doncaster Councils;


o    Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act 2011, which enables local authorities to challenge businesses about the quality of their waste disposal arrangements;


o    internal partnerships within the Borough Council - the link between refuse collection services, street cleansing and Winter maintenance could be improved;


o    Enforcement  - undertaking a  wider range of duties and adopting a holistic approach;


o    Sickness absence monitoring and assessing the fitness levels of refuse collection operatives; the emphasis on training and safe working practices; the use of physiotherapy and occupational health services.


Resolved:- (1) That the information, now discussed, concerning the recent health check of this Council’s Waste Collection and Waste Disposal Services be noted.


(2) That the official report of the recent health check of this Council’s Waste Collection and Waste Disposal Services, when available, shall be referred to the Waste Management Task and Finish Group of this Select Commission for initial consideration.


(3) That, further to resolution (2) above, consideration be given to the development and implementation of an action plan arising from the Health Check of this Council’s Waste Collection and Waste Disposal Services and a report on this matter be submitted to a future meeting of the Improving Places Select Commission.