Agenda item



(1)  Councillor Alam

The Chairman thanked Councillor Alam for his work during his membership of the Select Commission and wished him well in his new role as Advisory Cabinet Member.


(2)  Rotherham Foundation Trust Quality Account

Councillor Mallinder gave a brief verbal report on the meeting held on 3rd December, 2015, to discuss the above which included:-


Quality Ambitions

-          Harm Free “Stop Pressure” initiative to reduce pressure sores and ulcers

-          Using Dr. Foster to compare performance with other Trusts on mortality indicators

-          Clinically led task group looking at missed and delayed diagnosis

-          Friends and Family response gathered on line on the Ward and A&E

-          “Must Nutrition Score” Food Hostess to monitor food and beakers in a different colour to identify at risk patients

Quality Improvements

-          Dementia Care Training is done in-house

-          Stroke patients should be at 50% for a scan within 1 hour

-          Appropriate training to be delivered on all Wards as identified

-          There had been an increase in complaints against Doctors

-          Nursing nationally is 1 nurse to 8 patients - in Rotherham it is approximately 1 nurse to 6-7 patients.  There are 50,000 nursing vacancies nationally

How are we doing?

-          There has been a spike in death rates nationally which is being looked at further

-          Discharges are being analysed to see how it is working in Health and Social Care

-          MRSA – 0

-          CDIF- nationally 24 – Rotherham 14 to date


Discussion ensued on the nursing situation nationally.  There were a high number of applications but not enough training places were commissioned by NHS England.  Universities were given funding for the number of nursing students they could enrol but the funding was cut which impacted upon the number of places that could be offered.


Resolved:-  That the issue of nurses and vacancies be raised with the Foundation Trust with regard to the number of applications for nursing posts in Rotherham to gain an understanding of the number of positions available compared to the number of vacancies.


(4)  CAMHS Scrutiny Review

The Overview and Scrutiny Management Board had accepted all of the Scrutiny Review recommendations at its meeting on 11th December, 2015.  The Board would be working with the Rotherham Youth Cabinet on the Children’s Commissioner Take Over Challenge.


Janet Spurling, Scrutiny Officer, would be speaking with RDaSH colleagues in the CAMHS Service with regard to their involvement in the event.


The CQC Quality Summit would take place on 3rd February, 2016.


(5)  Improving Lives Select Commission

Councillor Ahmed gave the following verbal update from the meeting held on 16th December, 2015:-


-          Information regarding CSE and where the Authority was in terms of Service provision together with the analysis and evaluation provided by Salford University

-          The low number of referrals made by health partners was highlighted – approximately only 7% of CSE referrals came in via Health.  Reassurance had been given that there would be further work with GPs and health professionals in terms of raising awareness and improving referrals

-          There would be a further update provided to show how the additional work had impacted on the number of referrals coming through

-          From a  sample of young people participating in questionnaires it had been evident that there was a very low percentage from vulnerable groups e.g. Roma families, BME communities and LGBT.  Reassurance had been given that a lot of work was being carried out engaging with the voluntary sector and BME communities on how engagement could be improved/enhanced