Agenda item

Library Strategy and Future Library & Customer Service Offer


Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Working and Cultural Services, summarising the consultation undertaken on the Library Strategy 2016-19, the future service offer for Libraries and Neighbourhood Hubs and a range of savings proposals connected to the implementation of the Library Strategy and service offer.


The Library Strategy set out the vision, key principles and core offer for the Service and had been developed after an analysis of local need for the service and informed by feedback received during the consultation period. The assessment of local need identified a role for the Library Service in supporting employment opportunities, developing and improving key skills, including literacy, improving mental health, community cohesion and enabling access to digital information and services.


The submitted report included details of the feedback received and the proposed revisions to the original savings proposals. The report recommended the adoption of the Library Strategy and core service offer and the implementation of the revised savings proposals. The 2016-17 revenue budget related to the area of Libraries and Customer Services considered by this report was £5,034,590. This amount included property budgets of £1,220,333.  The proposed reductions in expenditure across the review area would total £474,000 over the 2016/17 and 2017/18 financial years.


It was noted that the specific proposals included the retention of library provision in all existing static locations, the implementation of further self-service, online and assisted digital options for service delivery and changes to the Mobile Library and Book Link services.


Members’ discussion included the following issues:-


: levels of public use of the libraries;  means of counting occasional visitors, ie: people who may not have joined/registered as a member with a library;


: the success of specific schemes such as the ‘Summer reading scheme’;


: replacing the face-to-face cashiering service with payment kiosks – ensuring that assistance is provided for the public during the change-over period;


: mobile libraries and “books in the community” schemes;


: budget and service reductions affecting the mobile libraries and some community libraries;


: ensuring that community libraries are accessible, especially for people who have mobility or travelling difficulties; the impact of neighbourhood working, including the use and shared use and the cost of buildings;


: the effectiveness of the consultation process;  impact of the needs analysis on future service delivery;


: quality impact assessments – copies to be provided for Elected Members;


: suggested use of external organisations to assist/become partners in the provision of a range of services within community libraries; also the possible co-location of services (eg: NHS services, job clubs);


: possible re-use of the wealth of statistical data collected about the use of library services to inform other service delivery by this Council;


: ensuring that library services are accessible by people who are living in the more remote communities within the Rotherham Borough area.


Resolved:- (1) That the report be received and its contents noted.


(2) That the results of the public consultation on the draft Library Strategy, future service offer for Libraries and Neighbourhood Hubs and associated savings proposals, as now submitted, be noted.


(3) That the Library Strategy 2016-19 and future service offer be endorsed and recommended for approval  by the Council at its meeting to be held on 19th October, 2016.


(4) That the implementation of the revised savings proposals be endorsed and recommended for approval by the Council on 19th October, 2016, including the adjustment to the Medium Term Financial Strategy as detailed within the submitted report. 


(5) That it be noted that further and more detailed analysis of local need will continue to inform and drive the future service offer.

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