Further to Minute No. 35 of the meeting of the Improving Lives Select Commission held on 16th December, 2015, consideration was given to a report, presented by Jo Smith, Post Abuse Co-ordinator, concerning the progress of the child sexual exploitation post-abuse support services established by the Council since the publication (September, 2014) of the report by Professor Alexis Jay.
The report referred to the significant investment in the development and commissioning of child sexual exploitation support services by both the Borough Council and by the Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group. This investment had resulted in a very different support offer for victims and survivors to that identified in the report of Professor Alexis Jay. As such, a comprehensive range of services now existed.
A supplementary powerpoint presentation also drew attention and focus to the report and information was provided on the:-
· Context of Support.
· Service Specification.
· Service Areas.
· Services.
· Monitoring Process.
· The Future.
It was also noted that to ensure that all communities with the Borough had a voice in the development of services Salford University were commissioned to work with a number of voluntary and community organisations to capture their thoughts, ideas and experience post Casey and Jay Reports.
The Salford Report along with the Needs Analysis and other voice and influence work had helped to shape the child sexual exploitation services now in place and being commissioned.
All Commissioned Post Abuse Services were required to include voice and influence elements to their support and monitored alongside other outcome monitoring arrangements.
A discussion and question and answer session ensued with Members and the following issues were raised and clarified:-
· Availability of evidence to confirm the service being offered was making a difference now and into the future. Services were not commissioned any further than five years and any future provision would be developed in line with the voice and influence work now taking place.
· Monitoring of the service provision and the evidence data outcomes. Case studies and data detail to supplement the monitoring process would be provided as part of future performance reporting.
· Ensuring services were available for minority and ethnic groups i.e through Rotherham Rise.
· Ensuring services were available for ulnerable children, which were supported through the involvement of Barnardo’s and their outreach work in schools and localities.
· Barbardo’s also worked with vulnerable young people who had special educational needs, particularly around their levels of understanding, supplemented with the work undertaken by GROW and Rotherham Rise.
· The service specification covered three areas of service and had been specifically commissioned. However, Swinton Lock, whilst not being successful in their application, would continue with their work in supporting individuals and families providing practical, emotional support, advocacy and sign posting from the 1st July, 2016 for twelve months.
· The monitoring and evaluation arrangements for the commissioned services would be evidenced for activity with monthly reports being submitted to the three Commissioning Managers and visits and spot checks undertaken, which had only commenced very recently. An update on any areas for improvement would be reported back to this Select Commission.
· Dealing with spikes in services following high profile media coverage were built into the capacity for the commissioned services and formed part of the rolling programme. Dependency would diminish over time and users once stabilised would be supported to accessing universal services.
· Access to services over a four to forty-nine week period was dependent upon the service user and their needs. However, the commissioned service were able to signpost and handhold to other relevant service areas as part of the process and only the counselling elements were time bound over a period of twenty weeks.
· Flexibility was built into the service specifications and support was available for anyone affected by child sexual exploitation over the age of twelve.
· Was there a need for a 24 hour on call support? It was felt that expectations of service users within normal working hours were being managed, including access to emergency services as appropriate. This was being monitored.
· The costs for the service specifications were set and not subject to budget constraints.
· Capturing the golden thread as part of the voice and influence work would be established once the relationships with organisational experts and partner agencies involved with children and young people had been developed.
Resolved:- (1) That Jo Smith be thanked for her informative presentation and input.
(2) That the comprehensive report be received and its contents noted.
(3) That case studies and data detail supplement the monitoring process as part of future performance reporting with further evidence of outcomes.
(4) That updates on any areas for improvement of the commissioned services be reported back to this Select Commission in due course.
(5) That a further update be provided in May/June, 2017.
(Councillor Senior declared a prejudicial interest in this item and left the room whilst it was discussed on the grounds of being a provider of practical, emotional support, advocacy and signposting for individuals and families)
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