Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Strategy Aim 3 - All Rotherham people enjoy the best possible mental health and wellbeing and have a good quality of life

Presentation by Kathryn Singh, RDaSH


Kathryn Singh, RDaSH, and Ian Atkinson, Rotherham CCG, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-


Aim 3:  All Rotherham people enjoy the best possible mental health and wellbeing and have a good quality of life


We will

-          Improve support for people with enduring mental health needs, including Dementia, to help them live healthier lives

-          Reduce the occurrence of common mental health problems

-          Reduce social isolation


Joint Strategic Needs Assessment – Mental Health

-          1 in every 4 people in the United Kingdom suffer a mental health problem in the course of a year

-          People with serious mental health problems have their lives shortened by 14-18 years on average

-          Mental health problems are often found co-existing with physical health problems such as Diabetes and circulatory problems

-          Quality of life has a major influence over the development of mental health problems

-          Healthy living can help to protect against mental health problems.  It is associated with significant economic impacts to the individual and wider society

-          Dealing with mental illness is one of the major areas of expenditure for the NHS


Joint Strategic Needs Assessment – Focus on Dementia

-          The estimated national diagnosis rate for Dementia as at April 2016 was 66.4% - Yorkshire and Humber it is 69.8%

-          The Dementia diagnosis rate in Rotherham (2016) is estimated to be 73.3% which is higher than the regional or national average with Rotherham rated 8th highest in the region and 51st highest in England (out of 209 CCGs) for diagnostic rates

-          An estimated 3,239 people aged 65+ in Rotherham were predicted to have Dementia in 2015 of whom 64% are women.  2,260 people aged 65+ have been diagnosed with Dementia in Rotherham in April 2016

-          42% of people aged 65+ with Dementia over 85 years and the condition affects 24% of all people aged 85+ in Rotherham


Mental Health and Wellbeing Workshop – February 2016 (25 attendees)

-          Priorities workplace health and wellbeing

-          Improving resilience in the community

-          Making Every Contact Count

-          Introduce Mental Health Impact Assessments


What has changed over the last 12 months

-          Prevention

·        Partners now signed up to Making Every Contact Count

·        Range of healthy workforce initiatives e.g. Mindfulness Mental Health First Aid, CCG, RDaSH Healthy Workforce, TRFT incentive through CQUIN

·        Continue to deliver Suicide Prevention Strategy

·        Currently developing the Public Mental Health Strategy – led by RMBC

-          Service Improvements

·      Introduction of Dementia diagnosis in Primary Care – July 2016

·      Social Prescribing model rolled out to Mental Health – great success

·      Enhanced Mental Health liaison in the hospital setting

·      Continued focus on improving access to psychological therapies

·      Align Service provision to focus on physical and mental health e.g. locality working and Woodlands (inpatient)

·      Significant investment in Rotherham CAMHS - £620,000

·      Locality working – mental health colleagues working alongside other parents crosscutting work e.g. Diabetes care/respiratory

·      Starting to harness new ways of working with voluntary sector through Social Prescribing to tackle isolation

·      Reconfiguration of RDaSH Mental Health Services into localities


What Next

-          Continue to focus on improving Rotherham CAMHS

-          Plan to very challenging national targets for IAPT and Early Intervention Psychosis

-          Continue to consider different uses for Social Prescribing for prevention and to tackle isolation

-          Roll out of Making Every Contact Count

-          Continue to build on the positive work taking place around workforce health and wellbeing

-          Joint approach to developing a new Autism Strategy for Rotherham


Discussion ensued on the presentation with the following issues raised/highlighted:-


-          The nature of the Making Every Contact Count model to be adopted by all partners


-          The need for the Board and partners to agree a common approach that over the next 12 months they would work with their own staff and partners and give simple health prevention messages


-          Mental Health was a key driver of Rotherham‘s Locality Plan


-          The Strategic Director for Adult Care and Housing was working on an all age Autism Strategy with input from Children and Young People’s Services


-          Additional funding was being put into CAMHS transition services.  The services provided for Adults had to be matched to those provided for Children.  Consideration would be given to any bespoke responses that were required as part of the CAMHS transformation work


-          The Strategic Directors for Adult Care and Housing and Children and Young People’s Services were leading on a piece of work about transitions


Giles Ratcliffe, Public Health, reported that Aim 4 (reducing inequalities and increasing life expectancy) was bringing together a cross-partnership strategic steering group for MECC which would hopefully soon agree the principles/2-3 messages. 


Resolved:-  (1)  That the presentation be noted.


(2)  That Aim 3 develop an action plan for presentation to the Board in April, 2017.

Action:-  Ian Atkinson, Kathryn Singh


(3)  That the Strategic Directors for Adult Care and Housing and Children and Young People’s Services link in with RDaSH with regard to the transition from Children to Adult Services.

Action:-  AnneMarie Lubanski/Ian Thomas