Agenda item

Housing Allocation Policy Amendments


Further to Minute No. 11 of the meeting of the Improving Places Select Commission held on 24th July, 2013, consideration was given to a report of the Strategic Director of Adult Care and Housing stating that, on 6th August, 2015, a revised Housing Allocation Policy had been implemented by the Council. However, one of the proposals regarding Council Tax arrears was deferred due to representations made after the publication of the Commissioners’ ‘minded to agree’ decision on 6th August, 2015. Further analysis and exploration of the legal implications was required and a clear procedure would have to be developed if Council Tax arrears could be taken into account in deciding whether an applicant is eligible to join the Housing Register.  This analysis has now been completed and the purpose of the submitted report is to update Elected Members about the findings. Due to the legal advice given on this issue, it is no longer being recommended that Council Tax debt be included in the Allocations Policy.


At the same time, six amendments are recommended which aim to increase Housing tenancy sustainability, take into account lessons learned during the past twelve months (2015/16), changes brought about by the Welfare Reform and Work Act 2016 and to prepare for the Homelessness Reduction Bill.


The Select Commission received a presentation from Mrs. Sandra Tolley and Mrs. Sandra Wardle (Housing Services) about the Council’s review of the Housing Allocations Policy.  The presentation highlighted the following salient issues:-


-          Housing Allocations Policy – the review timetable


-          Proposals for further amendment (a report is to be submitted to the meeting of the Cabinet and Commissioners during February 2017);


-          Council Tax – tenancy-related debts are relevant to the Housing Allocations Policy, therefore the recommendation relating to Council Tax arrears will not be included in the Policy


-          The six proposed amendments to the Policy:


Tenancy Sustainability – Recommendations


1. The mandatory requirement for applicants who have no experience of running their own home, or where a previous tenancy has failed, to attend a pre-tenancy workshop.

2. The mandatory requirement for all applicants to undertake a housing options interview before joining the housing register 


Reduction in spend – Recommendation


3. New tenants should not be allowed to apply to transfer within the first two years of their tenancy.


Reduction in spend - Recommendation

4. No rent allowances are issued to new tenants or existing Council tenants. Recommended option

Option 1: Reduce the fourteen days’ allowance to seven days (lowest amount of budget savings achieved)

Option 2: Reduce the fourteen days’ allowance to a maximum of five working days.

Option 3: No rent allowances are issued (higher level of budget savings achieved)


Housing Options (Under age 35) Recommendations:


5. Bedsits are let to single people or couples giving preference to single people under the age of 35 years:

Option 1 – No change

Option 2 -  Priority to single persons aged under 35 years


6. Include homeless applicants owed a reasonable preference to the list of applicants who are exempt from the Local Connection Criteria rules.

• Homeless, but not in priority need

• Homeless, but owed a duty by another authority

• Living in unfit or unsatisfactory housing, have a medical or disability or pressing welfare reason to move.


-          Impact of the forthcoming Homelessness Prevention Bill;


-          Brief details of the consultation process on the amendments to the Housing Allocation Policy.


The Members of the Select Commission raised the following matters during debate:-


(a) an explanation was provided of the different housing bands (criteria of the Housing Waiting List);


(b) the need for flexibility in relation to the rent allowances for tenants, reflecting the condition of some properties which are being let; contract arrangements are in place with regard to the interior and exterior decorating of some properties; the ‘lettable standard” of properties;


(c) the allowance of two weeks, without payment of rent, in respect of the death of existing tenants (Members requested further information about this matter);


(d) pre-tenancy workshops  and ensuring that tenants are fully informed of this process; it was noted that the system is to be used by many housing authorities and that every endeavour will be made to learn from and implement the best practice available; specific workshops are available from several providers (eg: Mears);  it was noted that prospective tenants are required to attend the workshops, although the courses do not require participants to take an examination or test;   (a customer/tenant dvd training film is available to view);


(e) consideration of applications for tenancies from customers who are homeless – the Policy recommends that a reasonable preference is given to people who are homeless;


(f) Tenancy sustainability and the use of fixed-term tenancies – Government legislation insists upon the use of fixed-term tenancies;


(g) Transfer of tenancies – 10% of properties are currently advertised for tenants wishing to transfer properties;  this amount could be reduced to 5%;


(h) reasons for termination of housing tenancies – there are many and varied reasons why tenants choose to terminate their tenancies (Members requested further details of the statistics included within the submitted report);


(i) the role of the Income Team is being reviewed and will be completed in the early months of 2017;


(j) action taken against tenants in breach of conditions – various interviews and checks are undertaken, as well as pre-tenancy inspections;


(k) it is probable that the Policy will be considered by the Cabinet and Commissioners at a meeting to be held during February 2017;


(l) options available for tenants under the age of 35 years – accommodation of a suitable size; possible use of shared tenancies which will be cheaper for the individual;


(m) the Policy intends to focus upon the housing requirements of those tenants most in need;


(n) the Key Choices website includes some background information about the local area in which a property available for rent is situated; this useful information will also be discussed in the interviews with prospective tenants;


(o) information about the process relating to void properties, to try and ensure that empty properties are available for letting as soon as possible;


(p) the timetable for this Policy review – ensuring that the necessary consultation takes place and that the review is comprehensive; the Policy has to be reviewed regularly in response to any changes in Government legislation.


The officers were thanked for their informative presentation.


Resolved:- (1) That the report be received and its contents noted.


(2) That the Improving Places Select Commission supports the implementation of the proposed six amendments to the Housing Allocation Policy, as set out below and as detailed within the submitted report:-


(i) Mandatory requirement for applicants who have no experience of running their own home, or where a previous tenancy has failed, to attend a pre-tenancy workshop.


(ii) Mandatory requirement for all applicants to undertake a housing options interview before joining the housing register. 


(iii) New tenants should not be allowed to apply to transfer within the first two years of their tenancy.


(iv) No rent allowances are issued to new tenants or existing Council tenants.


(v) Bedsits are let to single people or couples, giving preference to single people under the age of 35 years.


(vi) Include homeless applicants owed a reasonable preference to the list of applicants who are exempt from the Local Connection Criteria rules.


(3) That a progress report be submitted to a future meeting of the Improving Places Select Commission, during 2017 and such report shall include details of:-


- further information about the allowance of two weeks, without payment of rent, in respect of the death of existing housing tenants;


- Elected Members (Scrutiny) are to be involved in the development of the workshops and in the eventual reporting on the effectiveness of the pre-tenancy workshops and the mandatory training for prospective tenants of Council housing.


(Councillor McNeely and co-opted members Mrs. L. Shears and Mr. P. Cahill declared their personal interests in the above item as they are existing tenants of Council housing)

Supporting documents: